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Multiple Tilesets...

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Level 2
Jan 2, 2008
I want to use multiple tilesets on my map, but so far ive been unable to find a way - i have been searching but without any use full results.
Level 2
Jan 2, 2008
Advanced > Modify Tileset

Note that there's a limitted amount of tiles you can have in WE. Some 3rd party applications (such as WEU) increase the limit to 16 different tiles.

yes but when i use advanced > modify tileset it just changes the tileset of the entire map, and thats not what i want.

I need to know exactly how to use multiple tilesets on the same map, and is WEU not to old for patch 1.21 and tft ? ....

btw i use jassnewgenpack4b and if i try to merge object data it just opens folders with no content.
well, here are all of them
tileID	file
Ldrt	Lords_Dirt
Ldro	Lords_DirtRough
Ldrg	Lords_DirtGrass
Lrok	Lords_Rock
Lgrs	Lords_Grass
Lgrd	Lords_GrassDark
Fdrt	Lordf_Dirt
Fdro	Lordf_DirtRough
Fdrg	Lordf_DirtGrass
Frok	Lordf_Rock
Fgrs	Lordf_Grass
Fgrd	Lordf_GrassDark
Wdrt	Lordw_Dirt
Wdro	Lordw_DirtRough
Wsng	Lordw_SnowGrass
Wrok	Lordw_Rock
Wgrs	Lordw_Grass
Wsnw	Lordw_Snow
Bdrt	Barrens_Dirt
Bdrh	Barrens_DirtRough
Bdrr	Barrens_Pebbles
Bdrg	Barrens_DirtGrass
Bdsr	Barrens_Desert
Bdsd	Barrens_DesertDark
Bflr	Barrens_Rock
Bgrr	Barrens_Grass
Adrt	Ashen_Dirt
Adrd	Ashen_DirtRough
Agrs	Ashen_Grass
Arck	Ashen_Rock
Agrd	Ashen_GrassLumpy
Avin	Ashen_Vines
Adrg	Ashen_DirtGrass
Alvd	Ashen_leaves
Cdrt	Felwood_Dirt
Cdrd	Felwood_DirtRough
Cpos	Felwood_Poison
Crck	Felwood_Rock
Cvin	Felwood_Vines
Cgrs	Felwood_Grass
Clvg	Felwood_Leaves
Ndrt	North_dirt
Ndrd	North_dirtdark
Nrck	North_rock
Ngrs	North_Grass
Nice	North_ice
Nsnw	North_Snow
Nsnr	North_SnowRock
Ydrt	City_Dirt
Ydtr	City_DirtRough
Yblm	City_BlackMarble
Ybtl	City_BrickTiles
Ysqd	City_SquareTiles
Yrtl	City_RoundTiles
Ygsb	City_Grass
Yhdg	City_GrassTrim
Ywmb	City_WhiteMarble
Vdrt	Village_Dirt
Vdrr	Village_DirtRough
Vcrp	Village_Crops
Vcbp	Village_CobblePath
Vstp	Village_StonePath
Vgrs	Village_GrassShort
Vrck	Village_Rocks
Vgrt	Village_GrassThick
Qdrt	VillageFall_Dirt
Qdrr	VillageFall_DirtRough
Qcrp	VillageFall_Crops
Qcbp	VillageFall_CobblePath
Qstp	VillageFall_StonePath
Qgrs	VillageFall_GrassShort
Qrck	VillageFall_Rocks
Qgrt	VillageFall_GrassThick
Xdrt	Dalaran_Dirt
Xdtr	Dalaran_DirtRough
Xblm	Dalaran_BlackMarble
Xbtl	Dalaran_BrickTiles
Xsqd	Dalaran_SquareTiles
Xrtl	Dalaran_RoundTiles
Xgsb	Dalaran_Grass
Xhdg	Dalaran_GrassTrim
Xwmb	Dalaran_WhiteMarble
Ddrt	Cave_Dirt
Dbrk	Cave_Brick
Drds	Cave_RedStones
Dlvc	Cave_LavaCracks
Dlav	Cave_Lava
Ddkr	Cave_DarkRocks
Dgrs	Cave_GreyStones
Dsqd	Cave_SquareTiles
Gdrt	GDirt
Gbrk	GBrick
Grds	GRedStones
Glvc	GLavaCracks
Glav	GLava
Gdkr	GDarkRocks
Ggrs	GGreyStones
Gsqd	GSquareTiles
Zdrt	Ruins_Dirt
Zdtr	Ruins_DirtRough
Zdrg	Ruins_DirtGrass
Zbks	Ruins_SmallBricks
Zsan	Ruins_Sand
Zbkl	Ruins_LargeBricks
Ztil	Ruins_RoundTiles
Zgrs	Ruins_Grass
Zvin	Ruins_GrassDark
Idrt	Ice_Dirt
Idtr	Ice_DirtRough
Idki	Ice_DarkIce
Ibkb	Ice_BlackBricks
Irbk	Ice_RuneBricks
Itbk	Ice_TiledBricks
Iice	Ice_Ice
Ibsq	Ice_BlackSquares
Isnw	Ice_Snow
Odrt	Outland_Dirt
Odtr	Outland_DirtLight
Osmb	Outland_RoughDirt
Ofst	Outland_DirtCracked
Olgb	Outland_FlatStones
Orok	Outland_Rock
Ofsl	Outland_FlatStonesLight
Oaby	Outland_Abyss
Kdrt	Citadel_Dirt
Kfsl	Citadel_DirtLight
Kdtr	Citadel_RoughDirt
Kfst	Citadel_FlatStones
Ksmb	Citadel_SmallBricks
Klgb	Citadel_LargeBricks
Ksqt	Citadel_SquareTiles
Kdkt	Citadel_DarkTiles
Jdrt	DRuins_Dirt
Jdtr	DRuins_DirtRough
Jblm	DRuins_BlackMarble
Jbtl	DRuins_BrickTiles
Jsqd	DRuins_SquareTiles
Jrtl	DRuins_RoundTiles
Jgsb	DRuins_Grass
Jhdg	DRuins_GrassTrim
Jwmb	DRuins_WhiteMarble
CAc2	Ashen_Dirt
cAc1	Ashen_Grass
cBc2	Barrens_Desert
cBc1	Barrens_Grass
cKc1	Citadel_Dirt
cKc2	Citadel_DarkTiles
cYc2	City_Dirt
cYc1	City_SquareTiles
cXc2	Dalaran_Dirt
cXc1	Dalaran_SquareTiles
cJc2	DRuins_Dirt
cJc1	DRuins_SquareTiles
cDc2	Cave_Dirt
cDc1	Cave_SquareTiles
cCc2	Felwood_Dirt
cCc1	Felwood_Grass
cIc2	Ice_RuneBricks
cIc1	Ice_Snow
cFc2	Lordf_Dirt
cFc1	Lordf_Grass
cLc2	Lords_Dirt
cLc1	Lords_Grass
cWc2	Lordw_Grass
cWc1	Lordw_Snow
cNc2	North_dirt
cNc1	North_Snow
cOc1	Outland_Abyss
cOc2	Outland_RoughDirt
cZc2	Ruins_Dirt
cZc1	Ruins_LargeBricks
cGc2	GDirt
cGc1	GSquareTiles
cVc2	Village_Dirt
cVc1	Village_GrassThick
cQc2	VillageFall_Dirt
cQc1	VillageFall_GrassThick
Level 2
Jan 2, 2008
Tnx a lot m8 - i have another question to this, i the jassnewgen pack how many tiles can i have in 1 tileset ? or let me expand on this, how many different tiles can i use on a map at the same time ?

normally there is 8, but i jassnewgenpack i heard i could use more, anyone knows ?
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