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Morruroked's Introduction?

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Level 1
Jan 18, 2008
Morruroked was a "Troll" name derived from DeCorum using a translator that seems long dead. The troll's were from a different fictional world tho.
I like the forest trolls.

I joined Hiveworkshop, because I like the swapping of ideas about triggers and newmap creations. I would like to create WC3 maps based off some of my favorite PC games. Like, Sacrifice, TA: Kingdoms, Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis, Sid Meier's: Alpha Centauri, SPORE, Mob Rule, Evolution: The Race for Intelligent Life. Some kind of RPG/Hero Maker/Ecosystem/Wilderness Survival. Maybe some kind of Elfs VS Trolls territory campaign set in the WC world before humans and Orcs.

I'm currently working on a Dungeon Keeper map based off of Varimathras's german one, since Varimathras doesnt make maps anymore. I know there is a long Dungeon Keeper thread.

i might add more to this later.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Welcome to hive!
I didnt know anything about that name o_O

Newcomer tip #02: Dont give up on your first try on resource, try your best in everything!
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