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more then just one question

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Level 5
Nov 6, 2008
the titel say alot -.-
my first question is
1. in hero wars is some units who walking thougth the map until there reach the base and there will try to destroy it but when i attack them and leave there just stand...:slp:
so how can i do when there some unit attacking them and leave then the moving unit will moving on still and how can i do so when there meeting erch other then there wil be a battle(with other words a really bassic system of hero line wars)

2. is there a way the get an variable to rember you food level?

3. could somebody make a demo of the Maxstr command?

4.(edit) somebody who know how many magic there is???
and if you cant anwar on all question then just whirte 1=anwar here
so i hope you guys can help on some of them(=
Level 9
Jun 7, 2008
spil778 said:
the titel say alot -.-
my first question is
1. in hero wars is some units who walking thougth the map until there reach the base and there will try to destroy it but when i attack them and leave there just stand...:slp:

Those units are issued an order to attack-move to certain pre arranged regions

2. is there a way the get an variable to rember you food level?

Ya, It'll be an integer variable.

3. could somebody make a demo of the Maxstr command?
There is a bit for this one. Best way to do it is by trying.
  • Events
    • Player - player X (color) types -str max as an exact match
  • Conditions
    • // Integer Comparison = gotta make sure that the player has enough gold to perfom the stat.
  • Actions
    • //1) Set your Variable = Your current gold / the amount for 1 str upgrade for Example:
    • Set TempInteger = (Triggering Player) current gold / 100
    • //2) Subtract the gold from the triggering player:
    • Set (Triggering Player) Current Gold to (Triggering Player) current gold - (TempInteger x 100)
    • //3) Add the stat to your hero(s):
    • Hero - Modify the strength of <Your Unit> add TempInteger
Thats basically how to do it. You could add a couple effects in there. As well as text the player telling how many points his strength was raised by.

4.(edit) somebody who know how many magic there is???

Go to the Ability Tab in Object Manager. It will tell you how many spells there is, as well as how many Customs you got. Your gonna have to add them up. I don't know off hand :thumbs_up: Good Luck
Level 5
Nov 6, 2008
for the first i dont understand you answar on my first question
2. do you know what the food variable is named like for set that to your gold is that named curret gold

3. i have get an issue on the first trigger posting to me for this command but i think i can get yours to work so thanks(=:grin:

4. i've get them now and i've chosing to make 60 deffent magics to my game
(edit) the <you unit> wtf sould that be cant get it i've use trigging unit but you will not get strengththen
Level 9
Jun 7, 2008
for the first i dont understand you answar on my first question

There are regions that are made region wise. For example There is a region created on the map. Then there is another region created in a different spot. You can order units entering one region to attack-move to the other one. Pretty simple :)

2. do you know what the food variable is named like for set that to your gold is that named curret gold

I don't know offhand. But i bet its got something to do with Player property.
Im not on a computer that has blizzard editor capabilites.

4. i've get them now and i've chosing to make 60 deffent magics to my game (edit) the <you unit> wtf sould that be cant get it i've use trigging unit but you will not get strengththen

<Your Unit> Is the unit(s) you want to modify. If you already have a variable set for the hero then use that. If not, then pick every unit that you want to modify and set them into a unit group. the pick every unit of that group and use the "hero - modify str of (picked unit) to add TempInteger"

Or something to that effect.
Level 5
Nov 6, 2008
i think i understood the first now
2. then i will just try anything
4. okey then i will try to make a group first
one last question(or not if the first qustion dont word)
thats kinda embarrasing i cant rember how to make the map for 2 players inted of 1
Level 9
Jun 7, 2008
4. one last question(or not if the first qustion dont word)

There are many tutorials that have general mapping and triggering, which explain in explicit detail how such things are done. For more information, read a Tower Defense tutorial, Its Unit movement idea does the same thing like in HeroWars.

thats kinda embarrasing i cant rember how to make the map for 2 players inted of 1

Click Scenario :fp: Player Properties :fp: And add however many players you want. Switch them to user, and if necessary apply them to a force.
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