More than 4 item bonuses

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Level 4
Jan 3, 2012
How do i make an item grant more than 4 item bonuses? I know that i can make a trigger to grant the item more atributes, but i want to have the green numbers at the right side saying + X. If i make the trigger it will just add it to the current atribute. I've used an ability to increase HP, but it doesn't seem to work with damage, strenght, agility or intelligence... So is this possible? :)
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Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Put them in a spellbook. Since spellbooks can contain 12 spells, you can use spellbooks to give an item 48 spells (or infiinite if u can put spellbooks in spellbooks?
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Level 9
Nov 19, 2011
Why not with spellbook? Its easier. Of course you can stack stats bonus without it.

Best idea (in my opinion) is spell book. Just create spellbook skill named (your 5 bonuses item) Put there your bonuses as unit skills. Add skill to item you want.

Be sure that spellbook don't have active skills. If item got active skill be sure that spellbook is NOT first at list.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
an easier way is to use attribute bonus and make it an item ability :) it is an all in one ability which can increase strength, intelligence and agility to your liking :)
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
While the spellbook seems intuitive for newbs and I admit I did not know/think of this possibility, I wonder when the mapmaker standards finally advance, have systems like UnitStats on a regular basis and do stuff properly customizable via triggers.

i agree, coz store to variable at map init then just add bonus depend on item via trigger similiar work then make alot ability with level 100 (example life steal, critical, evasion, reflect, attack dmg, spell ressist increase or anything where u want every chance increase with 1% with each level)

just at end u have less ability, so easier a bit in object editor, even i already use ~90 ability just for heroes and if i do for each item ~4 ability then it is +1200 or far less but with lv100 abilities what kinda also not faster (coz i use ~300 equipable item)
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
Why should he do it? If you meen that acction: 10str + 0 bonus ->12str + 0 bonus after pick, it will change percentage bonusses.

coz only for attributes the storeing to variable most easier case and u allways can keep tracking how much the total bonus u added also u can keep bonuses from each item and it is only +2 integer variable array and working with integers what is faster i think than ability way :p
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