
Anyone think that this list is to big?

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Level 2
Jul 15, 2005
I am requesting several models from a good model maker like olofmoleman (you rock if ur reading this) I would like:
Protoss Units/Buildings:
Dragoon, Archon, Dark Archon (basicaly a
red archon), high templar,(working) observer, Dark Templar, assimalator, Templar archives, robotics support bay, observery, arbiter terminal, fleet beacon,

Zerg Units/Buildings:
Hathery, lair, hive, Guardian, Devour, (good) drone, Zerg larva, creep colony, evolution chamber, sunken colony, spore colony, hydralisk lair, queens nest, queen, broodlings, spire, defiler mound, nydus canal, ultralisk cavern, greater spire, mutalisk, infested terran, extractor,

Terran Units/Buildings:
Valkrye, GHOST PLZ, terran observer, science vessel, science facility, refinery, comsat station, science facility, control tower, physics lab, covert ops.

I know its a long list but if anyones up to the task reply or e-mail me at [email protected]
Level 6
Jun 8, 2005
Ok :roll: for dropship, use "rdz transport". For high templar, use "Taasar". I know... it should be named Tasadar but somebody lazy forgot the "T". For dark archon, use "archon" and set color whithin the object editor to make it red. 0 blue. 0 green. 255 red. observer is a working mdl. hatchery lair and hive can be the "hatchery" mdl with different sizes ajusted by the object editor. forget the larva, you cant use that way of making things in a controled way in warcraft. good luck with the dARK TEMPLAR. consider using "ninja" The drone mdl is perfectly fine. broodlings can use the difiler mdl with a smaller size via the OBJECT EDITOR. Good luck with the buildings! Valk looks just like "RDZ chopper" there is a Terran Ghost mdl on this site. Most terran and protoss buildings are on this site. Good Luck! :D
Level 2
Jul 15, 2005
your unit sugjestions

The rdz transport looks nothing loke the dropship, tassadar model doesnt have the right movement animation. (high templars have an aftershadow when they move). the archin model on this website SUCKS BADLY, So does the ghost (its not a real ghost), hatury lair and hives look very different. the broodling one would work though. rdz chopper has a chopper blade valk has an engene,
Level 6
Jun 8, 2005
wow. Settle down. Something you really have to do in the world editor is improvise. I'm just trying to help. :cry: Actually come to think of it, you're right about most of these things, but sometimes, you need to improvise
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