IF your starting from scratch....well good luck modelling can be very complicated but anyways heres some info to point you in the direction of getting started.
#1 get a modelling program...if you wanna spend some money then i recommend getting 3ds max/but if your like most then just download gmax which is a free program.
#2 your gonna need some tutorial files to practice with gmax or whatever modelling program you choose...the tutorials for gmax are also in the link above.
#3 your gonna need dex script for gmax or 3ds max to export your model to a warcraft mdl. file for warcraft use. If you want to find dex script go here its being updated at the moment.
http://www.wc3campaigns.com/showthread.php?t=67927 after you get your dex script save it under your scripts folder in your modelling programs directory.
#4 get yogbuls mdl>mdx / mdx>mdl converter. this program takes your finished mdl. file after being exported with dex script and turns it into an mdx file which is a readable in game file for warcraft. An mdl file is still a warcraft model file but its in a form that makes it easily readable by you in notepad so you can make changes yourself by hand.
you can find this tool here...
#5 one other tool you may want if you dont already have it is the warcraft3 veiwer...its a tool that converts texture files from tga.,bmp.etc to blp. which is a blizzard texture file required for warcraft. this program also can preview models before you put them into game but isnt completely accurate. get this tool here...
#6 lastly you are probably gonna want a nice tutorial to learn how to make these things come together. This tutorial is for use with gmax assuming you decide to use this program, so heres a nice starter tutorial for you to use...
hope this is enough to get you started...id recommend using the tutorials for gmax on discreets website that will deffinately get you familiar with gmax..good luck.