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Model / Skin / Icon Request for my Map

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Level 2
Jul 7, 2009
Hello, I am making a map called "Your Kingdom".
It is an RPG where you start as an infant, grow up, learn skills, and become ruler of your kingdom. You must then overcome the bigger, ruling empires that control most of the kingdoms. Then fight for your power and become RULER of ALL THE KINGDOMS!!

Unfortunately, I need some models, but I cannon find them anywhere.


  • Infant (Crawling)
  • Infant (Crawling) (Female)
  • Infant (Walking)
  • Infant (Walking) (Female)
  • Toddler
  • Toddler (Female)
  • Teenager
  • Teenager (Female)
  • Prince
  • Princess
  • King
  • Queen
Level 14
Mar 30, 2009
infant. btw you cant the tell between if its a girl or boy with clothes on (and its difficult even with clothes removed).

theres a variety of models that could be used either as a prince or princess. even jaina and arthas fit in. toddler male is an ingame model. and i have seen a female toddler/child model somewhere too. search around the forums (request section, model edit section).
and i think that teenager and prince/princess are kinda similar so its hard to find different, yet at the same time alike models for them. maybe someone might transfer child animations to the baby model (for walking infant) BUT you need Dan van Ohllus' permission for that (pm him).

Unfortunately, I need some models, but I cannon find them anywhere.
did you even search at all? :eek:

EDIT: double threading isnt allowed!
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