Request for Models

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Level 5
Jul 2, 2009
Though there is a minute chance for this to work, I might as well try.
At the moment, I'm requesting 6 weaponless models. They should have the same animations and have no upper body armor.

The animations are:
Basic right handed sword animations
A two handed slash animation
A bow animation, where the right hand moves to the back and the attachment point for the right hand becomes stuck to the back so the right hand weapon is pointing at the ground at an angle, and the bow is held in the left hand.
Basic walk/victory/stand/dissipate/death animations.

Two should be wood elves (male and female), two more should be humans (male and female), and the last two should be more earthern elves (brownish tinge) (male and female).

Thanks in advance for any models, and you'll be credited in my ORPG.
Level 5
Jul 2, 2009
That's the thing, when I try to transfer animations, the model becomes corrupt due to incorrect geosetanims. The only model that was successful in its transfer was the Sorceress, but her feet was a foot under the ground (no pun intended).

Do you know how to fix geosetanims?
Level 3
Mar 28, 2009
there is a tutorial for that : TUTORIAL
Also, because i dont want to fix the corpses, etc..., i just scale it to 0 with model editor and I set the death type of the unit in object editor to Can revive, dont let corpse or Can't revive, dont let corpse. I also change the name of the Decay bone anim (where there is the model unanimaed standing in its base position) to "None"
Level 5
Jul 2, 2009
The random bodies isn't the issue. It's the fact that it corrupts some of the models.

Try importing the animations to an Assassin and you'll see. It can't be seen in WE or the program will crash, without editting the mesh.

If anyone could instruct me on how to add the animations to models without the file becoming corrupt, please tell me.
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