Model merge request

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Level 3
Feb 1, 2012
I'm here today to ask a simple merge of models(i think).I only want:

-A model of 5 archers (Nightelf) of warcraft;
-5 arrow projectiles to use with the archers;

I want 5 units in an unique model, so i can use they as a squad. The arrows need to reach the ground in different places, because i will use an catapult attack with the archers, damaging the enemies in an AoE.

Thanks :grin:
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This can be easily done without merging models.

1) Choose your 5 Footmans
2) Create a Unit that has the selection size of around 5 Footman
2b) Give this unit "no Model" so it's invisible!
3) Make a new trigger
3b) add those 5 footman into an array/variable and link it with the dummy unit
4) Create another trigger
4b) Should be checking every x seconds
4c) Order all units in array/variable that is linked to the dummy unit to follow it.

So basically you gonna add those Units you want as a squad into a group (array/variable) and then order to follow/move them along with the dummy unit, that will be used for controls, like move, attack, etc. just copy these actions you do with the dummy unit to your units that are linked to it (in the variable). That's pretty much it.

This will work like the group function from Wc3 (Strg+Number) So all units will walk, but you just need to select the dummy unit and have a big selection circle around all ;)

The only thing is, that you might need some further triggers for attacking, because they could spread and run away (except you find this ok :p ). So you gonna need a trigger that checks the range between the dummy unit and the units from the linked variable and order them to move back to dummy unit, before they can attack again.

Hope this helps ;)
Level 3
Feb 1, 2012
This can be easily done without merging models.

1) Choose your 5 Footmans
2) Create a Unit that has the selection size of around 5 Footman
2b) Give this unit "no Model" so it's invisible!
3) Make a new trigger
3b) add those 5 footman into an array/variable and link it with the dummy unit
4) Create another trigger
4b) Should be checking every x seconds
4c) Order all units in array/variable that is linked to the dummy unit to follow it.

So basically you gonna add those Units you want as a squad into a group (array/variable) and then order to follow/move them along with the dummy unit, that will be used for controls, like move, attack, etc. just copy these actions you do with the dummy unit to your units that are linked to it (in the variable). That's pretty much it.

This will work like the group function from Wc3 (Strg+Number) So all units will walk, but you just need to select the dummy unit and have a big selection circle around all ;)

The only thing is, that you might need some further triggers for attacking, because they could spread and run away (except you find this ok :p ). So you gonna need a trigger that checks the range between the dummy unit and the units from the linked variable and order them to move back to dummy unit, before they can attack again.

Hope this helps ;)

Thank you very much, but and about the arrows?I think i can't do it in triggers, so i will need the model of 5 arrow of the archer of warcraft, right?

OMG i forgot one thing...
This system don't work with the archers for me. I want to use they in the same unit and use the 5 arrows model because i will use catapult attack on it. All the arrows will be launched at an AoE, and they will damage every enemy inside it.
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