I found one today, forgot the link xDi want a dwarf wielding giant gammer the dwarf should be old
This tutorial might help youHow to make the claw model work? ^_^
Brother dogim sorry i can hlp there i can only find todays models if there not in there orgianal places i cant find them and i dont want to have you run around looking for a lost model sorry (dam that made my thread sound Crappy)
I was hoping someone with it will see it and help out even if you didn't have it. Thank you much though.
Thx a lot
what do u need?? ill try to help
arvedui doesnt know how to make models, he just knows mdl editing.
im sorry i can hlp there i can only find todays models if there not in there orgianal places i cant find them and i dont want to have you run around looking for a lost model sorry (dam that made my thread sound Crappy)