model animations

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Level 3
Sep 20, 2007
hello friends and foes alike, if i could have a minute of your time, i am in need of guidance. lets just say for the sake of an example i found two models in the hiveworkshop resources that were something like this: model 1 (for arguements sake) is konstruct's Advanced Marine Final; this model is a very nice adaptation to blizzard's marine, where in Talon_the_Mage (sorry if i got the name wrong) added in new animations such as grenade toss, reload, crouch, reload crouch, grenade crouched, you get the idea. then i found (again for arguements sake) model 2, another addition of the marine model by Dragon Elf Mogare in which there are no added animations just a new look i.e. a modern army soldier. now say i liked the look of the modern army soldier, but the animations of the konstruct space marine, how possible would it be to add the animation of the konstruct model to the dragonelfmogare model?
if you're still reading then thank you very much for your time and concentration!
Level 3
Sep 20, 2007
unfortunately no such luck, everything seemed to work fine (no errors) but when i imported the final model none of the animations worked :p thanks for the idea though, if i wanted to copy+paste everything for days because i have that much free time, how would you recommend i start?
There is no way to transfer konstrukt animation to any blizz models because of different bone/helper structure. The only way I am aware of is not vertex modify konstrukt models. Note I had very hard time to make a rocket launcher attack animation, but not much as making the animation as importing and manually cnping keys.

And animation transferer never displays errors.
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