// Group API
native CreateGroup takes nothing returns group
native DestroyGroup takes group whichGroup returns nothing
native GroupAddUnit takes group whichGroup, unit whichUnit returns nothing
native GroupRemoveUnit takes group whichGroup, unit whichUnit returns nothing
native GroupClear takes group whichGroup returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsOfType takes group whichGroup, string unitname, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer takes group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsOfTypeCounted takes group whichGroup, string unitname, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRect takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRange takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc takes group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLocCounted takes group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsSelected takes group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing
native GroupImmediateOrder takes group whichGroup, string order returns boolean
native GroupImmediateOrderById takes group whichGroup, integer order returns boolean
native GroupPointOrder takes group whichGroup, string order, real x, real y returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderLoc takes group whichGroup, string order, location whichLocation returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderById takes group whichGroup, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderByIdLoc takes group whichGroup, integer order, location whichLocation returns boolean
native GroupTargetOrder takes group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
native GroupTargetOrderById takes group whichGroup, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
// This will be difficult to support with potentially disjoint, cell-based regions
// as it would involve enumerating all the cells that are covered by a particularregion
// a better implementation would be a trigger that adds relevant units as they enter
// and removes them if they leave...
native ForGroup takes group whichGroup, code callback returns nothing
native FirstOfGroup takes group whichGroup returns unit