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Mind Worm Pet

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Level 1
Aug 7, 2004
i liked the quests, but the mindworm and the scorpion king are totally useless ^^ They always burrow if battle starts and do totally nothing until the end of the battle cause they're always attacked first if they came out of earth and there are some enemys left... Maybe i'm just to stupid to use them in a good way but I think this units suck :D

PS: Exuse my bad english again ;)
Level 2
Aug 5, 2004
Both are pretty good imo

Combat-wise i'd say scorpion king is best, cuz when he gets attacked he burrows... BUT you can give him items like boulders and nets/etc and he can use them while buried :D

Mindworm is nice too with possesion and bounce-attack...
I got an invulnerable mindworm on map10 once.... had lots of mindworms because of the caster units (parasite) and while my real minworm was buried, i planted the outland plant on the ground, took it back and.. wow, invulnerable Mind-worm! :D
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