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Milkshape HELP PLS

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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
how to make animations in milkshape
I can only make nonanimated basic weapon attachments like swords
Please help me
How to make animations with milkshape
How to export an animated model and convert it
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Ok, find ZeroJoints by Guesst on WC3campaigns.net
If someone wants to provide a link to the tool he needs, that would be great.
Then. create joints. These joints determine your animation. You make a "skeleton" of your model. Then, assign your vertices to your joints. This is done by selecting each vertex to be assigned to a bone (meaning that bone will dictate the motion of the assigned vertices) and assign it using the assign button in the Joints tab.
Once everything is assigned, THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT:
Run Zero Joints. It is a plugin that you put in your milkshape programs folder and is downloadable from WC3campaigns.net.
Then, you animate by hitting the animate button in the lower right hand corner of the screen, and then move your joints. Whenever you want to set a keyframe, move the joint how you want it, then press Ctrl+K. this will set a keyframe. Animate, and have fun. Practice makes perfect!
Finally, to finish up. Add Linear as a comment to each joint using the comment button under the joints tab, and also make a model comment in the model tab. It should list the animations and the frames it lasts. An example would be:
Stand - 1,1-30
Stand - 2,40-80
Attack - 1,90-150
Attack - 2,160-200
Make sure you use no spaces besides in the animation name.
Finally, go up to file -> export -> Warcraft 3 MDL/X and export. After adding touchups in Magos or Notepad, you should be done!
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004

Now that I have your attention, if you go to "Animate" you'll see the clicky labeled "Operate of Select Joints Only." This is highly important as if it is selected, the only joints to recieve a keyframe will be those selected. I recommend deselecting it...doesn't hurt for all the joints to be working on the same page.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
It can hurt though. Think about this:
You want a model to move up over a period of 15 frames, then down over another 15. If you animate that translation first, then decide that you want to do a rotation of a model over 30 frames, then you'll have to delete every keyframe that would interrupt that rotation. Which deleting one isn't bad, it gets much worse when you so the basic anims of a model, then animate a tail/wings/etc. Selecting all of the joints and then doing Ctrl+K is preferable IMO, rather than having to override past keyframes in complex animations.
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