Militia Online
Since the coming of 2nd Crusadia the people of Vanastiela where overwhealmed with technoligy wisdom. Countries build war machines and use them to take over other countries. The technoligy era is here in Vanastiela! The prophicies of Kairena are started to be placed to geather... They're starting to be seen... Technoligy is controling the world and it's people. Greed and Selfishness take a big role in this time. Is this the era of judgment that will fall upon the world according to Kairena's visions? Be apart of this era! Be the hero! Fight for what is right or fight for your own greed and selfishness. Turn the tide and outcome of Vanastiela's technoligy time. Recruit armies and either conquer the world to bring peace to it once again, or conquer the world to achieve what you want in it and let everyone else suffer! If you can make your destiny, you will be the destiny of vanastiela! You are the Militia.
Concept: This is a mmorpg type map simillar to the Dofus map I created which has been discontinued for me to work on this when I have time instead.
This game plays like midevil rpg with advanced midevil like technoligy. Siege Engines, air ships, juggernots, and more! You can use these mechines to achieve your goals. and so can your army! but they require lots of money!
The players: There are 2 forces between 4 continents that wage war between eachother. Gajadia, Escrutia, is the Union, and Hethsvenia, Nesrutieves, is the Republic. there are 10 players possible while player 11 and 12 are republic and union. nuetrels are anything nuetrel animals or npcs. Hostile is the monsters everyone is hostile with.
character creation:
Gender male or female
Origin Escrutia - Asian-like continent, Hethsvenia - Arabian-like Continent, Gajadia - European-like continent, or Nesrutieves - African-like continent
Race Humans - Human-like Race (duh), Iwrins - Elf like Race, Devians - Demon-like Race, Devines - Angel-like Race, Gurans - Orc-like Race, or Coltuns - Undead Race
and later in the game when you've reached level 10 you can choose your skills and equipment. there are no set classes, but certain skills require certain atributes and equipment... and certain equipment requires certain skills and atributes.
recruiting army: You may have up to 10 recruits in your army at a time. certain recruits require more money then others. and when they die you need to buy more. these requires can be fullly equiped and can even be leveld and skilled. whenever they die the equipment is destroyed.
upgrades: upgrades can be bought for your entire team to imrpove cerstain aspects like defense or melee attack power. and certain upgrade can be used per individual character. When you buy an upgrade you buy the base level upgrade, and you level the upgrade, by using it. let's say you want to level your defens eupgrade, each time you get hit you get exp for your defense upgrade. Each upgrade will have 10 levels. this is the same as skills.including normal attacks.
Battle system: Battle system will be set in a unique aiming system, ranged attacks will be like this: when you use the skill attack with bow, it is instant, but anyone in range of the arrow in the direciton the archer is facing will get hit by it. same with melee, only it's melee range. and melee has a wider effect range. magic however there are 4 types of magic. ranged, linear, surrounding, and melee. range only the area specified will be targeted from a certain distance from the caster, linear is like if you shoot a magic arrow, it's range is the same as arros or ranged attacks. surrounding effects a certain area around the caster, and melee is like a magic sword, magic in melee range.
For artillary found in siege engines, and juggernots, it will only effect the area specified, from acertain distance from the user, just like magic's range type. if two juggernots where right against eachother they could not fire at eachother. for airships, or anti air craft, this is the same only it effects air units only. (you must be in a machine to control it by the way) bombs found in air ships effect the area around the airship but it only effects ground. all skills are casted instant no target becuase the targets are automatic, which triggers the aiming.
pvp: ranks wil be granted to great pvpers allowing them to use grand pvp equipment ofr pvp or pvm usage.
bank systems: there will be a bank system where you can store items, if you do not want to carry them. each player has thier own bank.
skill buying system: Skills can be bought from skill shops, just enter the transformation area specified, holding these items and they wil become your skills. but you only get level 1skills when you buy a new skill. Make sure you have your complete build before trying this. you come with basic skills at the begnining.
continent wars: at random times in the game continents wil be attacked by other continents, if they succeed they wil enter the coninent killing anyone and anything in thier path until they can be stoped... you can help your allies in the front lines during this.
this game will be made with world editor unlimited.
Well that's about all I can think of this game will have off the top of my head, I will list more as I come up with it , and make changes as they happen.
please igve me feed back and suggestion, I will not have any screen shots or prievews or demos for some time... but we can discuss this idea here!
Since the coming of 2nd Crusadia the people of Vanastiela where overwhealmed with technoligy wisdom. Countries build war machines and use them to take over other countries. The technoligy era is here in Vanastiela! The prophicies of Kairena are started to be placed to geather... They're starting to be seen... Technoligy is controling the world and it's people. Greed and Selfishness take a big role in this time. Is this the era of judgment that will fall upon the world according to Kairena's visions? Be apart of this era! Be the hero! Fight for what is right or fight for your own greed and selfishness. Turn the tide and outcome of Vanastiela's technoligy time. Recruit armies and either conquer the world to bring peace to it once again, or conquer the world to achieve what you want in it and let everyone else suffer! If you can make your destiny, you will be the destiny of vanastiela! You are the Militia.
Concept: This is a mmorpg type map simillar to the Dofus map I created which has been discontinued for me to work on this when I have time instead.
This game plays like midevil rpg with advanced midevil like technoligy. Siege Engines, air ships, juggernots, and more! You can use these mechines to achieve your goals. and so can your army! but they require lots of money!
The players: There are 2 forces between 4 continents that wage war between eachother. Gajadia, Escrutia, is the Union, and Hethsvenia, Nesrutieves, is the Republic. there are 10 players possible while player 11 and 12 are republic and union. nuetrels are anything nuetrel animals or npcs. Hostile is the monsters everyone is hostile with.
character creation:
Gender male or female
Origin Escrutia - Asian-like continent, Hethsvenia - Arabian-like Continent, Gajadia - European-like continent, or Nesrutieves - African-like continent
Race Humans - Human-like Race (duh), Iwrins - Elf like Race, Devians - Demon-like Race, Devines - Angel-like Race, Gurans - Orc-like Race, or Coltuns - Undead Race
and later in the game when you've reached level 10 you can choose your skills and equipment. there are no set classes, but certain skills require certain atributes and equipment... and certain equipment requires certain skills and atributes.
recruiting army: You may have up to 10 recruits in your army at a time. certain recruits require more money then others. and when they die you need to buy more. these requires can be fullly equiped and can even be leveld and skilled. whenever they die the equipment is destroyed.
upgrades: upgrades can be bought for your entire team to imrpove cerstain aspects like defense or melee attack power. and certain upgrade can be used per individual character. When you buy an upgrade you buy the base level upgrade, and you level the upgrade, by using it. let's say you want to level your defens eupgrade, each time you get hit you get exp for your defense upgrade. Each upgrade will have 10 levels. this is the same as skills.including normal attacks.
Battle system: Battle system will be set in a unique aiming system, ranged attacks will be like this: when you use the skill attack with bow, it is instant, but anyone in range of the arrow in the direciton the archer is facing will get hit by it. same with melee, only it's melee range. and melee has a wider effect range. magic however there are 4 types of magic. ranged, linear, surrounding, and melee. range only the area specified will be targeted from a certain distance from the caster, linear is like if you shoot a magic arrow, it's range is the same as arros or ranged attacks. surrounding effects a certain area around the caster, and melee is like a magic sword, magic in melee range.
For artillary found in siege engines, and juggernots, it will only effect the area specified, from acertain distance from the user, just like magic's range type. if two juggernots where right against eachother they could not fire at eachother. for airships, or anti air craft, this is the same only it effects air units only. (you must be in a machine to control it by the way) bombs found in air ships effect the area around the airship but it only effects ground. all skills are casted instant no target becuase the targets are automatic, which triggers the aiming.
pvp: ranks wil be granted to great pvpers allowing them to use grand pvp equipment ofr pvp or pvm usage.
bank systems: there will be a bank system where you can store items, if you do not want to carry them. each player has thier own bank.
skill buying system: Skills can be bought from skill shops, just enter the transformation area specified, holding these items and they wil become your skills. but you only get level 1skills when you buy a new skill. Make sure you have your complete build before trying this. you come with basic skills at the begnining.
continent wars: at random times in the game continents wil be attacked by other continents, if they succeed they wil enter the coninent killing anyone and anything in thier path until they can be stoped... you can help your allies in the front lines during this.
this game will be made with world editor unlimited.
Well that's about all I can think of this game will have off the top of my head, I will list more as I come up with it , and make changes as they happen.
please igve me feed back and suggestion, I will not have any screen shots or prievews or demos for some time... but we can discuss this idea here!