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Michael Jackson, guilty or not?

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Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
I think that if he did do it he should be tortured and castrated, then break each bone in his body while keeping him alive, then force him into isolation and give him barely enough food to keep him alive but miserable for many, many years.

If he is actually innocent I think the media owes him an apology (which they never would do) and some people need to also apologize, which I doubt they would do.

I agree with Ras tho, I do not think he is guilty, but I agree with the reasoning of Ras and Thorsten for the reasoning. He is not "normal", he is a big kid on the inside.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
not guilty, i have to admit he is a bit sketchy but i dont think he would do something like that and im sure he wouldnt get caught. the alvisto family are con artists and i think they cant be trusted. however i am not saying he isnt creepy, but i am saying he isnt guilty.

also if he gets sentenced isnt it a manditory life imprisonment for abusing a child under the age of 12 in most american states?
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
For the most part, I think, same goes with spreading the stuff (distribution I believe it is called). However, he could get out with good behaviour, best behaviour, or model behaviour, or go on parole.
Level 7
Apr 29, 2005
well he is free now.
i think it was just one big stunt to get in the new again.
and he looks a little bit like an arthas lookalike (or was it my aunt?)
Level 7
Apr 29, 2005
no i just think that he paid the mother to tell that he slept with her son for comming into the news again.
and the mother was grazy
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
darkkeijp";p="4413 said:
like he had still a carrier. i dont think he can sing with all the things changed to him

he released a album only a few years back, he made a documentary about his life with martin bashir (if you havent seen it then your stupid) and he still makes millions in royalties. do you have some major grudge against this guy?
Level 9
Feb 16, 2005
i dont think hes guilty .
i mean he does everything for those kids.
his mansion /estate is even called neverland.
if he wanted sex ,hell hes rich enough to afford a prostitute.
And besides ,if he reaaly wanted to be that to the kids. wouldent it be in the lyrics of his songs....
Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
You have to look at the 7 accounts. Such stupid accounts!! You can't get him with such silly accounts, if you want him in jail...

Now he is free and can enjoy his life. I hope with no incidents...
Level 2
Jun 18, 2005
I think guilty. I dont believe this guy, man, look at his nose!
And why did he choose to be black? Only a fool could do that
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
I don’t know whether it is possible for him to have chosen to be white. Unless he gets his skin bleached every month of something because when the cells reproduce they are a genetic copy of the original cell, and bleach would not be in the cells genes. I do not know if there is gene therapy for completely removing the menalin producing body part (if anyone knows where it is made tell me. I suspect inside the cells themselves).

ps. William should congratulate me on changing this thread just for him so there was no spelling mistakes :p
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
I would offer you money but what would be the point?

He did get gene therapy to become more caucasion, oxygen tanks and surgery and such.
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