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[Spell] Metamorphosis with Spellbook

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Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Simple issue:
The containment of a spellbook becomes blank when using metamorphosis.

And yes, the spellbook ability is applied on both units.
The spellbook ability is there when metamorphed, it just becomes blank on the inside.

I've found a solution to add spells in an empty spellbook in the following link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/mysteries-spellbook-33039/

However, the cooldown of spellbook abilities will be reset if the abilities are re-added through triggers. So I would like to know if there's another solution to metamorphosis blank spellbook?

Thanks a lot in advance :)
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Thanks a lot to both of you!

One stupid question though: How do I make spells permanent?

I can't seem to find it through triggers.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Wonderful, thanks man!

It seems to be in error though. I assume I'm not supposed to include Editor Suffix?
and should I define the unit through a variable or can I refer to a specific unit?

I've tried both so far but it doesn't seem to work. I also checked that I didn't make string errors in the script.
Hmm, dunno what I'm doing wrong.
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Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Hmm.. That wasn't in GUI? Well, you can use this in a custom script:
call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(whichUnit, true, abilCode)

Change whichUnit to the unit who has the ability and change abilCode to the raw code of the ability. :)

I'm still in need of help. Is this script only usable in jass or can I apply it just as a normal custom script in a trigger?

This is how my custom script looks:
call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(udg_Chaos_Magus, true, A09R:Aspb)
"Chaos_Magus" is a unit variable. "A09R:Aspb" is the raw ability code of the spellbook.

Is there anything I've missed or done wrong?
I'm still in need of help. Is this script only usable in jass or can I apply it just as a normal custom script in a trigger?

This is how my custom script looks:
call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(udg_Chaos_Magus, true, A09R:Aspb)
"Chaos_Magus" is a unit variable. "A09R:Aspb" is the raw ability code of the spellbook.

Is there anything I've missed or done wrong?

You can apply it as a normal custom script. You almost got it correct. You just need A09R, and it should be enclosed in single quotes 'XXXX'. Aspb is the base ability. You can just ignore that. As such, it would look like this:
  • Custom script: call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(udg_Chaos_Magus, true, 'A09R')
Simply change "true" to "false" if you don't want it to be permanent (for whatever reason).

And sorry about misleading you. I thought there was a GUI function for it, but I suppose I was wrong.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
No problem at all. I'm happy for all the help I can get :)

My problem has been solved. I made the error of making the spellbook ability permanent and not the spells within.

Thanks again PurgeandFire and GreenN!X.
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