mmm. on heroes, i believe that Duration-Unit is either how long it lasts before it automatically switches back, or how long it takes the actual switch to happen. BTW Beliar_, if you set Metamorphosis to duration 0, there is no way to switch back to normal without changing Gameplay Defaults, and enabling Metamorphosis Disable, or whatever it is. frankie11 said he wants to be able to switch back and forth. (Edit: read the post below this, anyways... really? i didn't know that. damn you and your checking things, now i need to see if the Metamorphosis Return or whatever is default enabled or not, because i KNOW it's in there. Edit2: it is called [highlight]Can Deactivate Metamorphosis (NYI)[/code])
anyways, gj with digging up Robo Goblin, i completely forgot about it (i don't use it in RPs, i don't play ladder)