Memeroy Leak I think - Help

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Level 5
Mar 17, 2005
I am in the process of creating a Maze map, my second maze and for some reason this one seems to lag a good bit. It seems to lag the entire game. I don't have units being moved or created for the most part until the hero reaches the second level. My first maze map worked fine with no lag problems. This one is a bit larger but I can't seem to figure out the problem.

I read all the tutorials I could find on memory leaks and implemented the trigger fixes into my map but it just did not seem to do the trick. Does anyone think something else could be causing this? If possible I would like to get an expert to look at my map.

Please help, I'm desperate as this is the only thing keeping me from completing my map.

Thanks in advance!
Level 5
Mar 17, 2005
Running too much code at the same time. Remember that computers only have finite rate at which they can calculate stuff.

Also if your map is too big, it may be related to that.

I don't think it could be running to much code at the same time because it only turns on code when a person reaches a certain point. When the player reaches a certain point, i turn usless code off and try to kill the units as well.
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