Map Traveling/Teleporting

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Level 2
Mar 3, 2014
I want to make map like that bonus campaign map with Rexxar.
And the ting is I don't know how to create that map traveling/teleporting.
Fore example I want to make my hero can travel from one map to another, and he can come back, but that maps is not goin to restart every time i travel to another map, or i travel back to previous map.


Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The way the rexxar campaign did it was to first save your progress using a game cache, remove your heroes and then save the map using standard map save. After saving map and progress it would then check if there was a map save for the destination map. If there was no map save for the destination map it would then start a new instance of that map. If there was a map save then it would load that save. If the map was started new it would load the data from the game cache and play the area intro stuff. If the map was loaded from a map save it would then restore your progress creating and setting up heroes etc.

The obvious problem with this is how useless the standard map save of Warcraft III is. Two of the most well known ones are, array index 8191 is not saved and periodic timer objects are restored as "one shot". Many custom maps are broken so badly after loading a standard map save that they have triggering to immediately end the game after notifying the player to use an alternative save method.
Level 2
Mar 3, 2014
Thank you guys, I've been looking for this for years and now I finaly can start creating some maps.
Thank you!
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