Map NOT showing up in game? HELP PLEASE

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Level 5
Jun 13, 2012
Im not understanding whats going on with my map.... Been editing it for couple of days and always been running test map which works and runs my map fine. But when tried to host the game on reforge to test out computer ai, i cant find find my map???

the map is located in a test folder i created with in the wc3 map directory. When i open the test folder its empty??? HELP I dont want to start from scratch
Level 5
Jul 12, 2016
Is your test map located in \Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\Maps or \Documents\Warcraft III\Maps? I know that - for one reason or another - Blizzard changed the WC3 folder to be in \Documents. If your test map is still in \Program Files (x86) then your client might not be able to find it.
Level 5
Jun 13, 2012
Is your test map located in \Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\Maps or \Documents\Warcraft III\Maps? I know that - for one reason or another - Blizzard changed the WC3 folder to be in \Documents. If your test map is still in \Program Files (x86) then your client might not be able to find it.
Turns out, its due to my map size being to large due to 1 non converted music file lol. I deleted the file and was able to see the map in the folder when i launch reforged
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