Custom Games not showing!!!

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Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
i am making a game called Inevitable Massacre and all was going well until a disaster happened. I could host regularly until i made a update with the game completely changing the name making it longer from Inevitable Massacre BETA to Inevitable Massacre Multi-Terrain BETA.

also once the incident occurred none of my Inevitable Massacres would appear. Although the other maps i have started did appear, same for downloaded games, standard wc3 ft games, etc etc.

There has been reports and solutions (ex:shorten name, make sure description name is equal file name, but i have tried all yet none work)

PLEASE HELP MEH POWER OF :spell_breaker::spell_breaker:SPELL BREAKERS!:spell_breaker::spell_breaker:

also i am still able to host my game due to the Test folder that is created once you test a map in editor, but i would love to host my protected map to prevent game claimers
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
WC3 bugs heavilly if the physical file names are too long. Shorten it to something like "I M MT Vbeta" and remove all maps not in use or old versions to an external folder outside the WC3 map folder. Then close WC3 / WE and restart the computer and try again. What happens is it causes some sort of error in WC3 which then gets stored and generally is not very good. If your map is protected, try not protecting it as impropper protection can result in map curroption and so errors within WC3.

If that still does not work, reinstall WC3 and try again.
Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
IT WORKS, now ima play around with tha room i got, i tried to put protected ver in, it works still! ';..;' mwahahahahahaha now my rep will soar like a muffin with wings!!! atleast until archangel 666 took over meh map... i do not know what will become of him, but when he took it an talked to me 2 days ago, he said i was copying his terrain units, and everything, i asked him questions about the terrain and unirs, he said he hasnt started on anything yet, weird huh? i cannot even remember him joining a game, guess it must of been one of first hositng =/

anyways, THANKS DR! *beeeeeeeep* oh no its a flat line, Dr. u gotta help him!
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