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[Crash] Map does not work for anyone other than the Host?

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Level 4
Dec 24, 2016
Hello Everyone,

I am working on a 3v3v3 Dungeon RPG and I have been unable to test it because of 6112 ports I am unable to open. Up to this point, I have been testing my map solo with users being replaced by Computer players (1 User + 2 Computers vs 3 Computers vs 3 Computers vs 1 Computer) and triggers that supplement the users seem to work for Computer allies. In conclusion, everything works fine solo.

However, on one occasion where I was able to test it out with a single friend, he would get disconnected from the game the moment I chose a hero (via Wisp casting a "Choose Ability") his game would freeze and cause him to Disconnect > Quit Game. I have tried swapping to P2 with him (when I was P1) and he is still the one to disconnect. However, when he hosted, regardless of his Player Slot, I would be the one who disconnects. I also tried both Battlenet and LAN hosting, and neither worked. What is strange is that this happens just at Hero Selection (the first player-initiated trigger [look at below]) and also, the host cannot see the "Player has left the game" message like in normal games. Whoever the host was was able to continue playing Solo (not how the game should be played)

I believe the issue is with how the map is set up or with how the triggers are written. I am putting down the "Choose Hero" trigger below; if someone could tell me what is wrong from just looking at this trigger, it would help out quite a bit and allow me to remove all other issues like it; however, if someone would like to see the map as a whole, I would recommend PMing me as I don't want to put this map out just yet.


It could also be possible that my internet reacts in weird ways to WCIII so I ask that if anyone decides to see the map as a whole, try testing out with one other person to see if crashes happen at the Hero Selection. Otherwise, as said earlier, I cannot host from where I am due to Port-closing.
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