"Map Corrupted"

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Make sure it is under 4 MB, but that is not the error you are reporting.

By the sounds of it you are not actually even trying to host it, you are trying to join a game that does not exist. Under custom games you have to press the create game button and from there host it, not enter it in the game name box and press join. Also make sure you can host WC3 games, as although you might be hosting it, no one might be able to join.

If this does not help, describe more clearly the process of hosting you go through so we can see where you are going wrong, or if your map really is broken (which I dought).

I definatly say you are trying to join a nonexistant game, and I am certian that is your problem.
Level 4
Apr 30, 2007
EDIT: and definitly i can host !
1. no i dont want to join a game i wanna host my map
2. i go under host go to my map and set the name make private game and try to host than it says cant find the game (not map it says in german Spiel=Game)
3. i use newgenpack editor
4. i can only test the map in WE if i save manuelly than press the test button but not if i make some changes and than prss test button it saves automaticly the map but wc3 dont load map it only starts in wc3 start screen
5. i think this problem started since i imported some spells which needs newgenpack with enabled grimoire ...

thx for helping
Level 4
Apr 30, 2007
Ok, with that new information, I can tell you that it is probably caused by a jass script error. Make sure various syntax checks are on, as you can disable all checks in jassnewgen.

ehm yeah thats it but the problem is that i have to turn syntax errors off because than the spells of NEED_O2 dont work ... this spells are from the spellpack 0.9 on hive
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Lol..... The syntax checker is there for... syntax checking! If it complains about something, its not joking. All (99%) of errors must be fixed or it won't run in wc3. You probably didn't import the spell correctly.
Post the map/code/errors and we'll see if we can help you.
Level 4
Apr 30, 2007
ok now i got it to run had to turn on some others things in grimoire
The problem with fixing the errors is that there are all in all 2411 errors ...
And Need_O2 (the spellmaker) said that i have to turn off syntax checking or they wont work. And all spells work ingame .... with errors ....

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You have to turn off normal WC3 syntax, but turn on the better, enhanced syntax checker for jassnewgen. With it on, it will only report the actual errors, and not the errors caused my new content that it does not know. Even with syntax checker on, no errors should happen and if they do, then eithor he did something wrong, or you imported them incorrectly.

Remember, all it takes is one wrong piece of code to cause the map to not load properly, it may still run but not easily.
Level 4
Apr 30, 2007
You have to turn off normal WC3 syntax, but turn on the better, enhanced syntax checker for jassnewgen. With it on, it will only report the actual errors, and not the errors caused my new content that it does not know. Even with syntax checker on, no errors should happen and if they do, then eithor he did something wrong, or you imported them incorrectly.

Remember, all it takes is one wrong piece of code to cause the map to not load properly, it may still run but not easily.

ehm how to turn on the enhanced syntax checker ?
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