
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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a Mannoroth skin with world of warcraft resemblances
I attemped to make a partially world of warcraft pit lord/Mannoroth
ALL freehand

P.S.all i did to the face was make the glowy eyes; the face is all default

Mannoroth, pit, lord, demon, monster, evil, undead

Mannoroth.blp (Texture)

13:22, 10th May 2009 Hawkwing: Your skin lacks highlights and proper definition. You also need to work on doing detailing to the body. That will make it seem less blurry. Once you've worked on that you should try redoing the head.




13:22, 10th May 2009
Hawkwing: Your skin lacks highlights and proper definition. You also need to work on doing detailing to the body. That will make it seem less blurry. Once you've worked on that you should try redoing the head.
Level 9
Aug 17, 2008
This is worst mannoroth I've ever seen. His skin looks like leather, not enough shading, blobbish, And It's much too different from the Mannoroth in WoW.

Off Topic:
You can see Mannoroth in WoW in an underground Dragon Time Cavern or something in south-eastern or eastern part of Tanaris. Requires to have a raid party.
Level 5
Mar 5, 2009
oh jeez, there's next to no shading and it looks like some 10 year old did the coloring =/ No further comments.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
It is really poor quality, and just like he said 2 posts above. Fix all those things and i maybe start to like this model. And why the heck does people complain on things like "it doesnt look like he does in wow" and blah blah blah when he said that this is NOT suppost to look like in wow...

oh jeez, there's next to no shading and it looks like some 10 year old did the coloring =/ No further comments.
10 year old? heh?... Do it better yourself, seriusly. I bet many 10 years old cant do this... And look on the skin, not the picture taken from the model viewer. In the skin the colours look much better but ofc it could have been better :p