
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Brutallus with wings and both hands. Years before the siege of Sunwell he is at his best power.

Update: added a few colors added a coating of gray on the skin. Darkened the teeth -.- changed the face a bit. And changed the color of the backside of the head.

Brutallus, Magtheridon, Mannoroth, Pit, Lord, Demon, Burning, Legion.

Brutallus (Texture)

11:26, 16th Feb 2010 CloudWolf: Looks a little rough, but its definately a great start :) You really need to sharpen the skin up a bit, as it seems a bit too blurry in its current state, especially the skin at the front :P It also looks like it could...




11:26, 16th Feb 2010
CloudWolf: Looks a little rough, but its definately a great start :) You really need to sharpen the skin up a bit, as it seems a bit too blurry in its current state, especially the skin at the front :p It also looks like it could do with some more shading, especially under the shoulder-plates :p

Looks good so far though! Just needs some touching up :) I'll leave it as pending for the moment, and give you a chance to update it before I rate it ;)

14:02, 16th Apr 2010
67chrome: This skin is rather blurry, it seems like a decent start but if you're going for more details add more details, right now the skin look lacking in details. Not sure if the color scheme really fits this model either, from the screenshot it looks like a dryad with a bad case of PMS - there are more fitting colors for demons than lavender and pastel green is all I'm saying. For refining your techniques in conveying convincing details you might want to check some of the skinning tutorials on this site (they are located under the 2D art section of the tutorials).
If you're still having trouble updating this check me and I'll see if I can find someone who can help you.
It looks absolutely and horribly messy. most of it is recolour to begin with and the parts you actually DID edit have been horribly done and make the skin look so blurry anyone's eyes would water looking at it.
and i believe there is some alpha in the chain section. please use it. it makes it look so bad if you don't. and why did you bother editing the blade? if it was going to look the same you should have kept it that way. you just made it look like a bad blurry mess after you changed it. so i say this. scratches with the dodge tool EVERYWHERE. without any sense of shape or direction when using them, is a bad idea. change the scratches so that they actually follow a path along the blade or else it will just end up blurry and messy. same for the rest of the skin. the yellow droll may look cool, but its just messy on the skin. id suggest removing it.
Shoulder and chest plates, blurry. same as the blade. your adding too much scratches and dodge swipes that it ends up looking blurry.
All in all, i just see an inexperienced skinner not knowing how to use tools to their advantage. (judging from smudge strokes and such all over the skin. its a BAD IDEA as it makes it blurrier than it should.) also, please change the fact that the body and the face are recolour. because believe it or not, that's more than 60% of the skin. which breaks the rules. Just please read some tutorials and find out how to properly apply details along with shading and highlights. Thank You.

Level 13
Nov 29, 2008
It looks absolutely and horribly messy. most of it is recolour to begin with and the parts you actually DID edit have been horribly done and make the skin look so blurry anyone's eyes would water looking at it.
and i believe there is some alpha in the chain section. please use it. it makes it look so bad if you don't. and why did you bother editing the blade? if it was going to look the same you should have kept it that way. you just made it look like a bad blurry mess after you changed it. so i say this. scratches with the dodge tool EVERYWHERE. without any sense of shape or direction when using them, is a bad idea. change the scratches so that they actually follow a path along the blade or else it will just end up blurry and messy. same for the rest of the skin. the yellow droll may look cool, but its just messy on the skin. id suggest removing it.
Shoulder and chest plates, blurry. same as the blade. your adding too much scratches and dodge swipes that it ends up looking blurry.
All in all, i just see an inexperienced skinner not knowing how to use tools to their advantage. (judging from smudge strokes and such all over the skin. its a BAD IDEA as it makes it blurrier than it should.) also, please change the fact that the body and the face are recolour. because believe it or not, that's more than 60% of the skin. which breaks the rules. Just please read some tutorials and find out how to properly apply details along with shading and highlights. Thank You.


You just have to make people feel all wharm and fuzzy inside. Thank you Dentothor.
You just have to make people feel all wharm and fuzzy inside. Thank you Dentothor.

i dont intend to make you warm and fuzzy. I intend to give you ideas and aspects as to what a skin needs. to help you improve later on. >.<
if you want warm and fuzzy, could use a couple skinners like you. thanx
Level 13
Nov 29, 2008
i dont intend to make you warm and fuzzy. I intend to give you ideas and aspects as to what a skin needs. to help you improve later on. >.<
if you want warm and fuzzy, could use a couple skinners like you. thanx

Well you just do it without even knowing it :p

yes indeed, and the war3 look requires somethin' like pictures here: Mr.Goblin's Tutorial!

wanna try to match that?

Level 13
Nov 29, 2008
can you please, PLEASE! tell me how to import those models?

Its just a skin you import it with a manager then just change the filepath to the one in the description.
Edit: units\Demon\Mannoroth\Mannoroth.blp
You replace it with that and then it changes the Mannoroth skin so if you put a Mannoroth model into your map it will have the skin you imported.
Level 2
Jul 5, 2008
A WARCRAFT MODEL with a WoW skin like!
But nid more polishng to the model..
so it will more look like KICK ASS!!!!
I WISH OF MORE dude!!!