I wanted to make a Mana Strike ability, which hits the target. The damage would be equal to actual mana of the caster, and after casting the mana of the caster wil be equal to 0. It looks easy, but I tried to make it, and it doesn`t work :/
- Mana Strike
- Unit - A unit is casting spell
- Ability being cast = Mana Strike
- Special Effect - Create a special effect at position of (target of ability being cast) (special effect here)
- Wait 1 second
- Special Effect - Destroy last created special effect
- Set mana_v to (mana of casting unit)
- Unit - Set life of (target of ability being cast) to (life of target of ability being cast - (mana_v x level of Mana Strike for (casting unit)))
- Unit - Set mana of (casting unit) to 0
- Set mana_v to 0
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