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Making New Map; Having Problems With Buildings

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I'm working on a new map, scripting everything, and trying to keep everything as clean, organized, and efficient as possible. That's going fairly well but sometimes I have to use the data manger for things you just can't script, like for instance creating a custom building based off of the sensor tower to be used as a 1x1 blockade in my map. I've tried to make it buildable by the marine in my map but I just can't find a way to make this possible. I eventually found a rather convoluted way of making the sensor tower buildable but still my 'blockade' isn't appear in the build menu. I don't even really want a build menu right now as it's not necessary at this stage in testing. I just want to be able to make him able to build this damned thing and it won't work.

I created a debug trigger to spawn the building btw and it uses a custom actor based off of the sensor tower actor which I set to use the barrels model... when my blockade dies though it just disappears; there's not death animation or anything.

This really annoys the hell out of me. I've replaced everything in my map except the command card and two of the menus in the topleft (for the chat log and the regular F10 menu). I think I'll get rid of the command card too and just script my own system for building buildings. I'll have it spawn a neutral unit with the right model either at the units feet or at the focus of the player camera with a green see-through tint than maybe have the player move it into place with the arrow keys or something similar. Either that or I'll have helicopters/trucks bring in things like sandbags, turrets, barrels, etc. and the marine will just have to drag it behind him and into place.

Btw is Dr Super Good still the only one in these forums who is capable of helping us all? He's practically the Jesus of SCII mapmaking...

Map attached with this post. Any feedback on how to make sure this project continues to be done in a most efficient and well organized matter is appreciated. Note that I just started this and there is much to be added, also check out my new get nearest unit function it's win (or so I would think).

Edit: Removed pics but you can still see them in the attached thumbnails. They're just too huge.


  • Impossible Odds.SC2Map
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  • Impossible Odds (Alpha Test) Screencap 2.png
    Impossible Odds (Alpha Test) Screencap 2.png
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  • Impossible Odds (Alpha) Screencap 1.png
    Impossible Odds (Alpha) Screencap 1.png
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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I'm afraid there aren't many people here who know the SC2 editor. I got some help from Ikillforyou earlier...so maybe he can help. But yeah, the Dr. is the only one I've seen that consistently solves problems. Sorry I can't help you. Did you check the tutorials? I thought I saw one here on making build buttons.
I'm afraid there aren't many people here who know the SC2 editor. I got some help from Ikillforyou earlier...so maybe he can help. But yeah, the Dr. is the only one I've seen that consistently solves problems. Sorry I can't help you. Did you check the tutorials? I thought I saw one here on making build buttons.

I've made an ability based off of the SCV build ability, I've made a button, and I have that button on the second command card for the marine to build the damned thing, but it doesn't show up.

EDIT: Somehow fixed the problem. I think I managed it by setting the "Info - Button - State" to available.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Most likly you forgot to add the build ability to the unit. You then have to link a visible button to the build ability command for a certain building.

It is possible that a malfunctioning requirement can also hide a button. Requirements have 2 fields. Disabled and hide. When hide passes the button will dissapear completly.
Glad you solved it. By the way, you can make a dialog in which you can put items the marine can build. Would look much cooler :p

I'll have an inventory system but I would intend it to be for only parts the player can actually carry on himself. Like you might carry sandbags than fill them up on the spot when placing them. So he could carry the materials to build something but if it's already built his only options are to drag it around, disassemble the thing, or destroy it.
Level 5
Aug 27, 2008
Hmm, do you think you need that kind of.. detail of the situation if I might say (I am talking about filling bags with sand). It gets a bit complicated and will take you loads of time to make.
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