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making a unit use an ability via triggers

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Level 2
Jul 11, 2009
I was a bit unclear on my precious thread, what i need help with right now is how to make a unit use a custom ability it has using a trigger. I cant find it hidden anywhere in the actions.
Level 2
Jul 11, 2009
Events: unit is attacked
Conditions: Random integer between 1 and 10 equals 6
Unit is not owned by team 1 or team 4
Actions: ??

In other words, whats the action for making a unit fighting one of mine cast an ability that it has but wont use on its own.
It depends; what ability?
The actions to custom-cast an ability are:
  • Unit - Issue an order targeting a unit
  • Unit - Issue an order targeting a point
  • Unit - Issue an order with no target
If your ability is targeting a unit, have the first action, if it is a point target ability, the seconds and if it has no target (e.g. Howl of Terror), the third action.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Each ability has its proper name. Look for it in object editor. Then just use 1 of the commands Pharaoh provided.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
he is talkin about a custom abilty, and for as much as i know this command dosnt do that job (it even uses the defoult values for the original abilitys).
Level 16
Jul 21, 2008
''Issue Order Targeting A Unit/Point/No Target'' can cast custom abilities.

For example:
  • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Raider - Ensnare (Attacked unit)
This function will order <Last Created Unit> to cast any ability based on ''Ensnare'' (or channel with ''ensnare'' Base Order ID) on <Attacked Unit>

If you convert this in JASS, you will get this:
call IssueTargetOrderBJ( GetLastCreatedUnit(), "ensnare", GetAttackedUnitBJ() )

Each ability has ''Text - Order String Use/Turn On'', so that function orders unit to cast ability with ''ensnare Order''
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
hmmm.. i dont get it, if i have ensnare and a custom ability with the same order string, which will it cast?

and is it possible to just write a new order string?
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
hmmm.. i dont get it, if i have ensnare and a custom ability with the same order string, which will it cast?

and is it possible to just write a new order string?

Well, unit can only cast ability it has. So if it has only one of the abilities nothing bad will happen. If unit has both then bad things happen.
Fix it by changing order string on one of em. Preferably custom ability.
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