Make Mass Teleport Transport Allied Units?

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Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
You know you can basically trigger this, just use a group that picks out the units in range from the caster that is an ally of the owner of triggering unit.

  • Cast
  • Event
    • Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
  • Condition
    • Ability being cast equal to Custom Mass Teleport
  • Actions
    • Set Caster = Triggering Unit
    • Set Group = Units within 400 of Caster matching (Matching Unit belongs to an ally of (Owner of (Caster))
    • Set TargetPoint = Target Point of ability being cast
    • //You know what to do next
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Hey, thanks for all the help! Yes MasterTerrainer is right I don;t have knowledge of Jass I just use the triggers so his option was the most helpful, managed to got it working so thanks for pointing me in the right direction MT :)

I was wondering would it be possible to create the teleport effects at the location of the teleported allied units? You know just like how it creates the effect when you use the spell normally, it looks abit funny with the units just disappearing without any effect.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Hey, thanks for all the help! Yes MasterTerrainer is right I don;t have knowledge of Jass I just use the triggers so his option was the most helpful, managed to got it working so thanks for pointing me in the right direction MT :)

I was wondering would it be possible to create the teleport effects at the location of the teleported allied units? You know just like how it creates the effect when you use the spell normally, it looks abit funny with the units just disappearing without any effect.

You can try creating a unit that is unclickable, has 0 collision size and has the model of the teleport when scroll or mass teleport is cast and when teleportation was started summon it at the Point of the caster. After summoning it, you should also play maybe its birth animation so it will do its animation when it appears. Dont forget to save in a variable the position of the casting unit and the last created unit that is the Teleporter unit

And make another trigger that when the unit finishes casting an abiity and equal to your Mass Teleport, maybe play the teleporter unit's (that is in a variable) death animation.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Hey, thanks for all the help! Yes MasterTerrainer is right I don;t have knowledge of Jass I just use the triggers so his option was the most helpful, managed to got it working so thanks for pointing me in the right direction MT :)

I was wondering would it be possible to create the teleport effects at the location of the teleported allied units? You know just like how it creates the effect when you use the spell normally, it looks abit funny with the units just disappearing without any effect.

Basically, do this:
  • Cast
  • Event
    • Your event here
  • Conditions
    • Your conditions here
  • Actions
    • //The actions I mentioned above
    • Set Group = Units in range of Caster...
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in Group and do Actions:
      • Loop Actions
        • Set Point = Position of Picked Unit
        • Special Effect - Create Special Effect1 at Point
          • Set SFX[1] - Last Created Special Effect
          • Special Effect - Create Special Effect2 at Point
          • Set SFX[2] - Last Created Special Effect
      • Special Effect - Destroy SFX[1]
      • Special Effect - Destroy SFX[2]
      • Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Basically, do this:
  • Cast
  • Event
    • Your event here
  • Conditions
    • Your conditions here
  • Actions
    • //The actions I mentioned above
    • Set Group = Units in range of Caster...
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in Group and do Actions:
      • Loop Actions
        • Set Point = Position of Picked Unit
        • Special Effect - Create Special Effect1 at Point
          • Set SFX[1] - Last Created Special Effect
          • Special Effect - Create Special Effect2 at Point
          • Set SFX[2] - Last Created Special Effect
      • Special Effect - Destroy SFX[1]
      • Special Effect - Destroy SFX[2]
      • Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)

Yeah same with me but I did make the effects unit without collision sizes. XD


Hope we helped you =)
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Lol I'm sure we did.

But just for some info, @Marshmalo only use dummy units when you want to control the scaling, color, animation, animation speed, etc. But unless you don't want to do those and you just want the effects, stick to using a plain special effect instead because it will be, and I quote, "a waste of object".
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Hey there, I have noticed a small problem with this spell, the transported units are being transported to the position of where the spell was targeted not the unit mass teleport was targeted to.

If you try and mass teleport by clicking on the mini map the game seems to compensate and channel the spell to the nearest friendly unit, unfortunately the units are transported to target position not target unit.

This isnt a huge problem but i could be a problem if the units get transported somewhere they shouldn't. I tried changing "target location variable to position of unit, target unit of ability being cast" but that won't work.

Is there an easy fix for this?
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Hey there, I have noticed a small problem with this spell, the transported units are being transported to the position of where the spell was targeted not the unit mass teleport was targeted to.

If you try and mass teleport by clicking on the mini map the game seems to compensate and channel the spell to the nearest friendly unit, unfortunately the units are transported to target position not target unit.

This isnt a huge problem but i could be a problem if the units get transported somewhere they shouldn't. I tried changing "target location variable to position of unit, target unit of ability being cast" but that won't work.

Is there an easy fix for this?

I think there should be a unit variable for the target of the spell and a point variable for that unit's loc. Oh in this case make the mass teleport spell a target unit spell (I think it already is, but I haven't used it in a long time)
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