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M2 A3 Grizzly - Main Battle Tank of the Space Orc

The basic tank platform of the Space Orc armies around the galaxies. Packs a 120-mm tank cannon, heavy RHA-Duranium armour and a multi-purpose rocket launcher pod.
Based on the War Wagon model, but animations and mesh are 90% from scratch.

Give credits if you use it in your campaign/map, DON'T distribute to other sites and DON'T edit without my permission.
Have fun with the model.

tank, armour, armor, cannon, 120mm, 120-mm, assault, Space Orc, SpaceOrc, Threads, Tracks, Bob Marley, heavy, crush,

M2 A3 Grizzly - Main Battle Tank of the Space Orc (Model)

18:13, 28th Jul 2009 Rizz_Boomer: The Model works pretty good and looks good, but to be honest i dont really like the design. Its good non the less, but its not really my taste.




18:13, 28th Jul 2009
Rizz_Boomer: The Model works pretty good and looks good, but to be honest i dont really like the design. Its good non the less, but its not really my taste.
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
holy crap general frank.... i absolutely love this one. Its a heavy duty tank, but it looks mobile with aa retro flair ^.^ definitely one of my favorites. Death animation is much better. i mean... its STILL the steam tank death :/ but its definitely better ^^. very detailed ( i like the antennae movement) but the antennae looks a lil too big, almost R/C-ish, but its seriously a great model deserving of a 5/5
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
This is one great model, General Frank.
Another perfect model from the General, and a fine compliment to the Space Orcs. This will provide fine armor support to your beleaguered troops. A must-download for people who enjoyed and use the Space Orc kit.

Keep on producing,

5/5 Highly Recommended
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
I love it, how you use ingame textures, and its also nice, that your modells are lovely animated.
Only thing is, i think the death animation is a bit to fast and somehow not epic enough ^^. Just my opinion, its really good though, but you should add some effects like parts flying away from the tank.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Haha you dont XD I get the same thing on all ordinary stuff on blizzards homepage blizzard.com I have no idea why this happends, but when i wait an hour or something, it works just fine. So try download it again after a day or so.
Level 2
Jul 30, 2009
Excellent work, Iv'e used several of your models. In my first submission. Bugenhelm heights(apocylpse), I especially find you tech models most useful. And if you have any Flying Mounted Undead Heros would be most pleased to see them.
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
You do excellent work please continue, A request if you have time would be a flying Mounted Ork Hero, Or amounted Undead Hero. TY for your time keep up the good work your model rock.
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
Great models, Is there any posibility that you might make some female units an heroes. I don't seem to find very many Undead or Orc female characters or units that work. An aboute 99% of the time all of your models have been most apreciated.