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[Trigger] lumber give item system

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Level 6
Jul 13, 2007
hello im making a map and need a lumber item system.
it shoul be with a variable array size 5 saving the number of lumber for each player when a player then get 30 lumber and the hero have an item equal to sword 15 then it should remove sword 15 and add sword 30 instead please:thumbs_up:
Level 4
Jul 24, 2008
so is the variable array one for each player?
if i understand you right you want it so that as your lumber increases to certain milestones, it will give you a new item and remove the current one. If that is what you want, i do not see why you would need to use a variable.

Consider using this as a trigger condition

Player - Player 1 (Red)'s Current lumber becomes Equal to 30.00

and then have actions that give the lumber30 sword and remove lumber15

use like
Hero - Give (Last created item) to (Random unit from (Units of type Heroname))

but just create an item in a hidden spot before hand. I hope this helps youy in someway.
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