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This tutorial exists to help guide a user who already knows about vJass to understand how those vJass principles work in the Lua environment.
If you just want a transpiler to do the job for you, vJass2Lua has you covered:
I'll cover basic JASS conversion first, and then later on will go into detail about vJass constructs and what their Lua equivalents are.
The vJass2Lua Runtime Plugin is useful for simplifying understandings to make the transition a bit more streamlined. I'll cover basic Lua as much as possible, but some vJass contructs require backend tooling to reduce the complexity of each individual Lua script or component.
I've taken many examples 1-to-1 from the JassHelper Manual to create this transitioning guide.
Basic JASS to Lua
Unlike in JASS and vJass, there are no "endfunction" or "endif" or "endloop" considerations. In Lua, you simply write "end".
Functions are very similar between JASS and Lua:
"takes" becomes "(" and "returns" becomes ")". Instead of writing "nothing", just leave it blank. You do not declare a return value in Lua(unless you want to annotate it using Emmy styling), so a function that returns an integer looks exactly the same as a function that returns nothing.
Replace "endif" with "end" and your if/else structures are converted to Lua. The fact that "elseif" is a keyword in Lua as well as in JASS is convenient.
Lua types do not need to be manually designated, since Lua treats variables as generic pointers rather than limiting them to just one type. However, it's a very good idea to keep track of types, if not just for the sake of being able to identify them later on.
Note that the type of comments above are styled as Emmy Annotation. This enables powerful features in code editing tools such as VSCode. Please see @Eikonium's tutorial on Emmy Annotation for further reference: [Lua] Emmy Annotation.
vJass2Lua makes this process far less painful to deal with, as it will automatically add Emmy Annotation to the top of your Lua functions.
The "set" and "call" keywords don't exist in Lua, as they are implied based on what you're doing.
On the other hand, "local" works very similarly, but is far more powerful at the same time.
Note that concatenation looks different, and you don't need I2S.
Lua uses the "number" type to refer to either a real or an integer. Be mindful of this when using division to make sure your integers are truncated and not processed as real values.
In addition to inlind symbols like floor division (//) and modulo (%), Lua also gives you access to its powerful "math" library, detailed here: Lua - Math library
Loops are trickier as "exitwhen" doesn't have a Lua equivalent. You have to use if/else statements and the "break" keyword, or you can completely change your loop using one of Lua's many interesting loop styles.
Operators like "!=" and "+" (when it comes to concatenation) in JASS are different in Lua.
Replace != with "~=" to update those operators. Looking for strings to amend their concatenation is much trickier, so I recommend including this short script near the top of your trigger list (note that it is already provided in the vJass2Lua runtime plugin):
JASS has an 'Abil' type of syntax that takes a short string and converts it to an integer. Lua treats apostrophes and quotation marks as the same thing (they are simply strings), so Blizzard introduced a "FourCC" function in order to deal with these.
Single characters (denoted by 'A' for example) are treated as integers in JASS, but would be treated as strings by Lua. These can be parsed by Lua in real-time via ('A'):byte() or string.byte('A'). vJass2Lua does the integer conversion for you, so would turn 'A' into 65.
Just FYI, hidden inside an old "cheat.j" file, Blizzard had packaged a reverser that takes an integer and converts it back to a string:
In Lua, this is much simpler as Lua provides "char" as the inverse of "byte", completely eliminating any need for the TheDamien/Nestharus's vJass ASCII library.
Basic vJass to Lua
Global declaration is much more liberal in Lua compared to vJass.
Native declaration is not needed in Lua. Natives like UnitAlive already exist.
Scopes are much more versatile in Lua. Anything with an "end" keyword that follows it is its own scope.
Arrays in vJass are all Tables in Lua. Their declaration is very different as you are not declaring the variable as an array, but rather assigning a variable to an array. This offers MUCH more flexibility for the user:
vJass's Dynamic arrays, array structs, hashtables (including the legendary Table library), and sized arrays are all completely made obsolete by Lua tables. For backwards-compatibility, I have included Lua Table as well as fully-supported backwards-compatibility with Vexorian's Table (which was not originally possible due to unfortunate naming choices made early in NewTable's lifespan).
Libraries work a lot differently in Lua. Unlike in vJass, the script holding library A would normally need to be declared below the script containing library B (if B requires A) if they need to reference each other during the initialization phase.
Initialization is extremely dynamic in Lua and isn't bound by the limits of JASS "initializer functions".
Note that, for more powerful initialization or to ensure a script isn't running until a later point, it is recommended to use [Lua] - Global Initialization
Constant variables and readonly variables are not supported in Lua. However, with some heavy tooling, it is possible to imitate the syntax, as demonstrated in the vJass2Lua Runtime Plugin.
"Textmacros" work much differently in Lua as they do not occur during compile-time. However, the Lua "workarounds" offer significantly more power as they can be created in realtime.
Note that _G["varName"] is the true syntax for reading or writing a global variable in Lua. Global variable read/write without it is just Lua syntactical sugar.
We can therefore access global variables in realtime via string referencing and alternate between similar names via concatenation.
Certain hacky textmacros and modules that add half-blocks, like what Nestharus created to make Constant Timer Loop incredibly efficient, cannot be done in a practical sense with Lua. Lua cannot arbitrarily insert half-blocks without the entire script itself being contained as a string that gets concatenated with the macros.
To get around this limitation, you can use a Lua-based system such as Timer Queue, Timed Call and Echo, or even classic "TriggerSleepAction" when combined with Precice PolledWait.
"Keyword" in vJass is just a declared Lua variable that gets assigned later. Check the below two comparisons:
Hooks are WAY more powerful in Lua - they are everything I had wished that they had been in vJass and much more. vJass hooks can't stop the original native from being called, they can only be hooked "before", and they can't change the parameters.
Note that for extra hook compatibility with other resources, you'd want to use [Lua] - Hook
You can even hook regular variables with Global Variable Remapper, which can turn GUI variable assignment into function calls. That opens up a whole universe of new possbilities of what can be done within GUI.
Structs are more complicated to convert 1-2-1, but the most basic structs would not look much different than simple Lua tables. As previously mentioned, the vJass2Lua Runtime Plugin provides the entire vJass Struct API.
Each of the below methods, unless stated otherwise, are using my Struct library to simplify the process:
newInstance.destroy() --works like "call newInstance.destroy()"
MyStruct:destroy() --actually destroys the parent struct, rather than the struct member. This isn't possible in vJass. I've never wished for the feature, but it's possible to do it.
Unlike in vJass, member variables do not need to be independently declared. They will materialize into existence as soon as you initialize them to something:
Note that if you want something to be initialized to a certain value when a struct instance is created, you can either overload "create" (and call "allocate" from within), overload the onCreate stub method, or vJass2Lua will simply allow it to be referenced as a default value as it inherits defaults from its "parent struct".
If you want to simply identify that a struct has certain fields, you can use Emmy Annotation to write comments about it: [Lua] Emmy Annotation
"thistype" is another vJass construct that can be loosely imitated in Lua:
There is no inferred "thistype" otherwise, as the struct itself is not a "scope" itself. However, I think the example above covers all needs for "thistype" outside of Modules, which I've covered in a section further down.
However, let's say you want to reduce the verbosity of your script and don't want to keep having to write "thistype" or "structName" behind every struct member. Struct version 1.0 has you covered with the following syntax:
Yes, it's a bit ugly at the top, but what's happening is that you're overriding a hidden table called "_ENV" which is (usually) the same table as "_G". However, "_ENV" is the pointer to "_G" that declares new globals to be assigned to it. Manipulating _ENV would normally remove your access to the _G table, however doing so in this verbose way will retain your access to the _G table when you need to reference it, thanks to fancy metatable syntax. I found the core mechanics of the approach in Egor Skriptunoff's post here, but I've placed most of the complexity behind the scenes in order to reduce the verbosity needed on the part of the end user.
Struct methods in vJass have static methods and non-static methods. The syntax in Lua is a bit different, but has the same features:
Operator overloading is really inefficient and should be used sparingly.
It adds a lot of bloat to the code and only makes it slightly easier on the end user by not requiring them to use parenthesis.
vJass offers nice keywords to make it obvious what is happening with the code, but Lua doesn't really have a clean approach.
Extending structs works really smoothly in Lua. Again, using Struct library in the example below to make the syntax more vJass-y.
"delegate" is a vJass feature that allows to inherit the properties of another struct, even if that struct is already extending another.
Rather than keeping this keyword, I'm recycling the vJass "extends" keyword to fill this void. This way, the language is clear about what the method is doing. Delegate was always a weird one to me.
As mentioned previously, tables govern almost everything in Lua. Structs, themselves, are tables.
vJass has some keywords like ".typeid", ".super" and ".getType()", but Lua comparisons are so easy to achieve that it is mostly unnecessary to port over these keywords.
For lack of a better function, I've included "super" as a Struct member that gets created if a child struct has a parent declared.
Stub methods and interfaces don't require any special keywords in Lua, because any member/function can just be overwritten.
Just assign them initially to a function that does either nothing or just some other default behavior.
"module" is a unique vJass thing which has the following properties, that are easily imitated by Lua.
1) it is a textmacro that infers that there is an existing "thistype" to work with that would be declared by the implementing struct.
2) can have its own private members
3) can call stub methods within the struct
4) can have its own initializer
5) can only be run once
1) I've already shown an example of how to do textmacro parameters to access variable names. We wouldn't use "thistype", but can just pass a parameter.
2) Easy thanks to Lua locals
3) Easy thanks to ease of function overriding
4) Lua can initialize any time, anywhere.
5) this kind of protection was almost never needed in vJass, but in the example below I'll show it in action.
I've made it possible to use very similar terminology and syntax thanks to the Struct library:
vJass2Lua and its runtime plugin offer the full catalogue of features in the JassHelper Manual. I didn't document every single item in this tutorial (such as dynamic arrays or 2D arrays), but if you play around with vJass2Lua with some existing vJass code, you can see how they get converted.
If you just want a transpiler to do the job for you, vJass2Lua has you covered:
I'll cover basic JASS conversion first, and then later on will go into detail about vJass constructs and what their Lua equivalents are.
The vJass2Lua Runtime Plugin is useful for simplifying understandings to make the transition a bit more streamlined. I'll cover basic Lua as much as possible, but some vJass contructs require backend tooling to reduce the complexity of each individual Lua script or component.
I've taken many examples 1-to-1 from the JassHelper Manual to create this transitioning guide.
Basic JASS to Lua
Unlike in JASS and vJass, there are no "endfunction" or "endif" or "endloop" considerations. In Lua, you simply write "end".
Functions are very similar between JASS and Lua:
function Foo takes nothing returns nothing
function Foo()
//Jass comment
/* vJass
--Lua comment
--[[ Lua
if something then
elseif something_else then
if something then
elseif something_else then
Lua types do not need to be manually designated, since Lua treats variables as generic pointers rather than limiting them to just one type. However, it's a very good idea to keep track of types, if not just for the sake of being able to identify them later on.
function Foo takes unit u, boolean b returns handle
return null
---@param u unit
---@param b boolean
function Foo(u, b)
return nil --not actually needed, you can just leave the return statement and the function will indeed return nil regardless.
vJass2Lua makes this process far less painful to deal with, as it will automatically add Emmy Annotation to the top of your Lua functions.
The "set" and "call" keywords don't exist in Lua, as they are implied based on what you're doing.
On the other hand, "local" works very similarly, but is far more powerful at the same time.
local integer x = 20
local integer y = 20
set x = 10
set y = 10
call BJDebugMsg("x=" + I2S(x) + ", y=" + I2S(y))
local x = 20
local y = 20
x = 10
y = 10
print("x=" .. x .. ", y=" .. y)
Lua uses the "number" type to refer to either a real or an integer. Be mindful of this when using division to make sure your integers are truncated and not processed as real values.
local integer i = 10/6
local i = 10//6
In addition to inlind symbols like floor division (//) and modulo (%), Lua also gives you access to its powerful "math" library, detailed here: Lua - Math library
Loops are trickier as "exitwhen" doesn't have a Lua equivalent. You have to use if/else statements and the "break" keyword, or you can completely change your loop using one of Lua's many interesting loop styles.
exitwhen condition
while true do
if condition then break end
--As you get more advanced, the above Lua could be simplified to:
while not condition do
until condition
--or if it is a loop from 1-10 (including both 1 and 10):
for i = 1, 10 do
Operators like "!=" and "+" (when it comes to concatenation) in JASS are different in Lua.
if "foo" + "bar" != "bar" + "foo" then
if "foo" .. "bar" ~= "bar" .. "foo" then
getmetatable("").__add = function(obj, obj2) return obj .. obj2 end
JASS has an 'Abil' type of syntax that takes a short string and converts it to an integer. Lua treats apostrophes and quotation marks as the same thing (they are simply strings), so Blizzard introduced a "FourCC" function in order to deal with these.
function FourCC(id)
return 0x1000000 * string.byte(id:sub(1,1)) +
0x10000 * string.byte(id:sub(2,2)) +
0x100 * string.byte(id:sub(3,3)) +
Just FYI, hidden inside an old "cheat.j" file, Blizzard had packaged a reverser that takes an integer and converts it back to a string:
// Convert a integer id value into a 4-letter id code.
function DebugIdInteger2IdString takes integer value returns string
local string charMap = ".................................!.#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>.@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................."
local string result = ""
local integer remainingValue = value
local integer charValue
local integer byteno
set byteno = 0
set charValue = ModuloInteger(remainingValue, 256)
set remainingValue = remainingValue / 256
set result = SubString(charMap, charValue, charValue + 1) + result
set byteno = byteno + 1
exitwhen byteno == 4
return result
-- Convert an integer id value into a 4-letter id code.
---@param value integer
---@return string
function DebugIdInteger2IdString(value)
local result = ""
for byteno=1,4 do
result = string.char(value % 256) .. result
value = value // 256
return result
Basic vJass to Lua
Global declaration is much more liberal in Lua compared to vJass.
MyGlobal = "some value"
Native declaration is not needed in Lua. Natives like UnitAlive already exist.
Scopes are much more versatile in Lua. Anything with an "end" keyword that follows it is its own scope.
scope A
--this is a scope
if true then
--also a scope
function foo()
--also a scope
scope privatetest
private integer N=0
private function x takes nothing returns nothing
set N=N+1
function privatetest takes nothing returns nothing
call x()
call x()
local N=0
local function x()
function privatetest() --a global function
Arrays in vJass are all Tables in Lua. Their declaration is very different as you are not declaring the variable as an array, but rather assigning a variable to an array. This offers MUCH more flexibility for the user:
private integer array MyArray
local MyArray = {} --The curly brackets create an empty array. You can also fill in some stuff inside of them at the same time if you want, but you don't have to.
Libraries work a lot differently in Lua. Unlike in vJass, the script holding library A would normally need to be declared below the script containing library B (if B requires A) if they need to reference each other during the initialization phase.
library A requires B
if B then
Initialization is extremely dynamic in Lua and isn't bound by the limits of JASS "initializer functions".
scope A initializer Init
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
//do stuff
--do stuff
Note that, for more powerful initialization or to ensure a script isn't running until a later point, it is recommended to use [Lua] - Global Initialization
Constant variables and readonly variables are not supported in Lua. However, with some heavy tooling, it is possible to imitate the syntax, as demonstrated in the vJass2Lua Runtime Plugin.
"Textmacros" work much differently in Lua as they do not occur during compile-time. However, the Lua "workarounds" offer significantly more power as they can be created in realtime.
//! textmacro Increase takes TYPEWORD
function IncreaseStored$TYPEWORD$ takes gamecache g, string m, string l returns nothing
call Store$TYPEWORD$(g,m,l,GetStored$TYPEWORD$(g,m,l)+1)
//! endtextmacro
//! runtextmacro Increase("Integer")
//! runtextmacro Increase("Real")
local function IncreaseMacro(typeword)
_G["IncreaseStored"..typeword] = function(g, m, l)
_G["Store"..typeword](g, m, l, _G["GetStored"..typeword](g, m, l) + 1)
We can therefore access global variables in realtime via string referencing and alternate between similar names via concatenation.
Certain hacky textmacros and modules that add half-blocks, like what Nestharus created to make Constant Timer Loop incredibly efficient, cannot be done in a practical sense with Lua. Lua cannot arbitrarily insert half-blocks without the entire script itself being contained as a string that gets concatenated with the macros.
To get around this limitation, you can use a Lua-based system such as Timer Queue, Timed Call and Echo, or even classic "TriggerSleepAction" when combined with Precice PolledWait.
"Keyword" in vJass is just a declared Lua variable that gets assigned later. Check the below two comparisons:
private keyword B
function A takes real x returns real
if(GetRandomInt(0,1)==0) then
return B.evaluate(x*0.02)
return x
function B takes real x returns real
if(GetRandomInt(0,1)==1) then
return A(x*1000.)
return x
local B --no "keyword" keyword is needed. Just need to declare B to begin with.
function A(x)
if GetRandomInt(0,1)==0 then
return B(x*0.2)
return x
B = function(x) --a function can be assigned to any variable, and can even returned by a function.
if GetRandomInt(0,1)==1 then
return A(x*1000)
return x
Hooks are WAY more powerful in Lua - they are everything I had wished that they had been in vJass and much more. vJass hooks can't stop the original native from being called, they can only be hooked "before", and they can't change the parameters.
function onRemoval takes unit u returns nothing
call BJDebugMsg("unit is being removed!")
hook RemoveUnit onRemoval
local removeUnit = RemoveUnit
function RemoveUnit(u)
print("unit is being removed!")
removeUnit(u) --make sure to call this or the unit won't actually be removed.
Note that for extra hook compatibility with other resources, you'd want to use [Lua] - Hook
You can even hook regular variables with Global Variable Remapper, which can turn GUI variable assignment into function calls. That opens up a whole universe of new possbilities of what can be done within GUI.
Structs are more complicated to convert 1-2-1, but the most basic structs would not look much different than simple Lua tables. As previously mentioned, the vJass2Lua Runtime Plugin provides the entire vJass Struct API.
Each of the below methods, unless stated otherwise, are using my Struct library to simplify the process:
MyStruct = Struct() --works like vJass "struct MyStruct"
local newInstance = MyStruct.create() --works like "local MyStruct newInstance = MyStruct.create()"
newInstance.destroy() --works like "call newInstance.destroy()"
MyStruct:destroy() --actually destroys the parent struct, rather than the struct member. This isn't possible in vJass. I've never wished for the feature, but it's possible to do it.
Unlike in vJass, member variables do not need to be independently declared. They will materialize into existence as soon as you initialize them to something:
local thistype = Struct()
thistype.x = 10.
local this = thistype.create()
Note that if you want something to be initialized to a certain value when a struct instance is created, you can either overload "create" (and call "allocate" from within), overload the onCreate stub method, or vJass2Lua will simply allow it to be referenced as a default value as it inherits defaults from its "parent struct".
function thistype:onCreate()
self.x = 10.
"thistype" is another vJass construct that can be loosely imitated in Lua:
MyStruct = Struct() --public
local thistype = MyStruct --internal reference to MyStruct
thistype.memberA = 7
thistype.memberB = 8
function thistype.methodA() end
function thistype:methodB() end
However, let's say you want to reduce the verbosity of your script and don't want to keep having to write "thistype" or "structName" behind every struct member. Struct version 1.0 has you covered with the following syntax:
do local _ENV = Struct.environment(myStruct)
x = 10
y = 100 --assigns myStruct.x to 10 and myStruct.y to 100.
Struct methods in vJass have static methods and non-static methods. The syntax in Lua is a bit different, but has the same features:
local thistype = Struct()
function thistype:method() --declaring with the ":" rather than a "." declares a hidden "first" parameter called "self".
function thistype.staticMethod() --no hidden parameters
print("static method")
thistype.staticMethod() --works
local this = thistype.create()
this.staticMethod() --works too
thistype.method() --"self" will be "nil" here.
thistype:method() --will treat "self" as "thistype".
this.method() --"self" is nil here.
this:method() --treats "self" as "this"
this.method(this) --this works by forcing "this" as "self" without using the colon syntax.
Operator overloading is really inefficient and should be used sparingly.
It adds a lot of bloat to the code and only makes it slightly easier on the end user by not requiring them to use parenthesis.
vJass offers nice keywords to make it obvious what is happening with the code, but Lua doesn't really have a clean approach.
struct MyStruct
method operator x takes nothing returns real
return GetUnitX(this.unit)
method operator x= takes real value returns nothing
call SetUnitX(this.unit, value)
method operator y takes nothing returns real
return GetUnitY(this.unit)
method operator y= takes real value returns nothing
call SetUnitY(this.unit, value)
do --simpler approach that requires the user to use () at the end:
local thistype = Struct()
thistype:_operatorget("x", function() return GetUnitX(self.unit) end)
thistype:_operatorget("y", function() return GetUnitY(self.unit) end)
thistype:_operatorset("x", function(val) SetUnitX(self.unit, val) end)
thistype:_operatorset("y", function(val) SetUnitY(self.unit, val) end)
Extending structs works really smoothly in Lua. Again, using Struct library in the example below to make the syntax more vJass-y.
struct A
integer x
integer y
method setxy takes integer cx, integer cy returns nothing
set this.x=cx
set this.y=cy
struct B extends A
integer z
method setxyz takes integer cx, integer cy, integer cz returns nothing
call this.setxy(cx,cy) //we can use A's members
set this.z=cz
A = Struct()
function A:setxy(x, y)
self.x, self.y = x, y
B = Struct(A)
function B:setxyz(x, y, z)
self:setxy(x, y)
self.z = z
"delegate" is a vJass feature that allows to inherit the properties of another struct, even if that struct is already extending another.
Rather than keeping this keyword, I'm recycling the vJass "extends" keyword to fill this void. This way, the language is clear about what the method is doing. Delegate was always a weird one to me.
A = Struct()
B = Struct()
C = Struct(A) --struct C now extends A, but wants to extend B as well
C.extends(B) --struct C now also extends struct B.
As mentioned previously, tables govern almost everything in Lua. Structs, themselves, are tables.
vJass has some keywords like ".typeid", ".super" and ".getType()", but Lua comparisons are so easy to achieve that it is mostly unnecessary to port over these keywords.
For lack of a better function, I've included "super" as a Struct member that gets created if a child struct has a parent declared.
A = Struct()
B = Struct(A)
function A.something() print "A something" end
function B.something() print "B something" end --B has overridden A's stub method "something"
B.super.something() --calls A.something()
Stub methods and interfaces don't require any special keywords in Lua, because any member/function can just be overwritten.
Just assign them initially to a function that does either nothing or just some other default behavior.
A = Struct()
A.onFinish = DoNothing --this functions identically to an interface
A.finish = function(self) self:onFinish() end --methods and stub methods are the same thing in Lua.
B = Struct(A)
B.onFinish = function() print "onFinish" end
B:finish() --prints "onFinish"
"module" is a unique vJass thing which has the following properties, that are easily imitated by Lua.
1) it is a textmacro that infers that there is an existing "thistype" to work with that would be declared by the implementing struct.
2) can have its own private members
3) can call stub methods within the struct
4) can have its own initializer
5) can only be run once
1) I've already shown an example of how to do textmacro parameters to access variable names. We wouldn't use "thistype", but can just pass a parameter.
2) Easy thanks to Lua locals
3) Easy thanks to ease of function overriding
4) Lua can initialize any time, anywhere.
5) this kind of protection was almost never needed in vJass, but in the example below I'll show it in action.
I've made it possible to use very similar terminology and syntax thanks to the Struct library:
module MyRepeatModule
method repeat1000 takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i=0
exitwhen i==1000
call this.sub() //a method that is expected
//to exist in the struct
set i=i+1
// the struct :
struct MyStruct
method sub takes nothing returns nothing
call BJDebugMsg("Hello world")
implement MyRepeatModule //adds the module.
function MyTest takes MyStruct ms returns nothing
call ms.repeat1000() //will call ms.sub 1000 times.
vJass.module("myModule", function(struct)
struct.sub = struct.sub or DoNothing --initialization in Lua is way better, and here we even check if the method exists.
--best part, even if the method is declared below this module, it will be reassigned from DoNothing to the user's function.
function struct:repeat1000() --here we declare a new function as a member of the struct from within this function. Lua is awesome.
for i=1, 1000 do
myStruct = Struct() --the struct
vJass.implement("myModule", myStruct) --Adds the module
function myStruct:sub() print "Hello world" end
local ms = myStruct.create()
ms:repeat1000() --Will call ms.sub 1000 times.
vJass2Lua and its runtime plugin offer the full catalogue of features in the JassHelper Manual. I didn't document every single item in this tutorial (such as dynamic arrays or 2D arrays), but if you play around with vJass2Lua with some existing vJass code, you can see how they get converted.
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