this is my first map so be nice. this is a big edit of a map i enjoy playing, but people had a few complains about it. so i added some things and put in some custom models. all people who need to be credited are credited in-game on the quest menu. so a big thanks to them. all models i used to edit this map were from the one and only hive workshop. v1.00 was a bust so i deleted it, the same goes for v1.10. v1.20 (this version) was basically me scrapping all i had done before and re-opening the original map and re-starting. (my name is xDarkBladex)
creator: (someone)
original edit: C.G.D
my co-editor (his D1CK_SH1T_FACK
what we have done to this map(mine and D1CK's edits):
the men of the east units have been re-made with custom models. (thanks uncle fester!!!!)
the income from income buildings has been changed from 10 to 20 because people were complaining that income buildings took up to much space in their base or it took to long to get the income cap.
some new units have been added. this includes all of the tier 2 ranged units (uruk-hai corssbowman, dwarf corssbowman, gondor long-bowman, haradrim elite archer etc.) an armored cave troll for the goblins. a royal spearman for rohan and many more.
some minor terrain edits. just a few things people were complaining about.
a rush timer has been adeed because people were complaining about rushing.
added game modes: free for all (-ffa), five versus five (-5v5) and player selected teams (-pst)
a limit has been put on trebuchets so you may ony have 4, the one exeption to this, hovever, is the dwaves they can have 6 due to their masons being able to build trebuchets and we limited them to 2.
set max hero level to 250
made heros level up faster
did some minor balancing and stat changes
you can now purchase some items and a tome from your trade center!
incresed the limit on merchants so you can have more now for lumber.
please leave some constructive criticism.
lord, of, the, rings, lotr, builder, version 1.20.