I love learning about religions, it is one of my favourite past times and it is always interesting to meet someone who claims a religion and when you ask specific questions about it they are unable to say anything. One time I asked a muslim if he could explain to me the Fall from his religious experiance, when he was unable to do anything but mumble something about "evil" I asked him in the form of a question what I knew of his Fall. He was not happy a "heretic" like me knew more of it than him.
Actually, come to think of it, most monotheists I have met are like that, especially Jews who do not like to be reminded that their anceastors once worshipped more Gods and Goddesses than any other religion known, including Romans who had Gods for just about everything. The Hebrew pantheon was so diverse that one sentance would could contain several Gods; the God of nouns, Goddess of verbs, God of particiles, Goddess of gender, Goddess of the begining of the sentance, God of the end of the sentance.
Crazy huh?
Anyways the name of the show and documents is exactly what I posted, "Lost Gospel of Judas"