Ok well to start off i'll give a brief paragraph about what I am doing at the moment.
As you may no there is a new RTS Game called bfme2 coming out on 2nd of March. As there is no real moding site for this game I thought it would be an excelent opotunity, so I am using the ftp access that I got from Ralle to make a site about it, which will have a section about bfme2 and WoW add ons which will be managed by The Darkness. And I will be managing to bfme2 part. So Chaos Theory Productions will not just be for people from wc3, but from 3 different games.
At the moment I am really busy with 2 major projects, bfme (Battle for Middle Earth) and woa (World of Arcarius). So I won't have time to contribute to another large campaign, RPG, Cinematic or whatever. But however we will be making a TD, Minigame or AOS in the near future.