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Looking for a terrainer & map testers (who are able to host on battle.net) [STEALTH]

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Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
I'm currently working on a stealth map called "Deadly Shadows" and I'm looking for a terrainer who can make a nice medieval theme village (with surrounding forest) with lots of 'hiding' places (like bushes, barrels, grain fields etc.)

I prefer someone who is also able to host the map on battle.net to test it, but this is not necessary.

If you can't do the terrain, but can host and want to test, you're also very welcome!

I started a little bit with the terrain, but I'm not very good at terraining.. You are free to do anything you want, as long as it fits to the theme!

In short the map is like this:

5 thieves have to steal some artifacts from the town. The 6 town guards have to guard these artifacts (and the rest of the town) at all cost.

Thieves have to use stealth and agility in order to succeed. Town guards are stronger, but less stealthy.

Some features:
Various heroes to choose from (until now: Rogue, Assassin (thieves) / Swordsman, Archer (guards) but I'll add more)

Realistic line of sight: you can only see things in front of you!! (except you use the 'look behind you' function)

Realistic fighting system: After a few hits a unit is dead. Sometimes (with critical hit/headshot/from behind) 1 hit is enough -> All attacks do much more damage from behind, thieves can even 'backstab' from behind (instant kill). Some units can 'parry' (block a melee attack coming from the front) and the Swordsman also has a shield which he can raise to block melee AND ranged attacks coming from the front. Other units (thieves) are specialized in evading melee attacks (coming from all sides). Ranged attacks are all manually aimed! Arrows will stop when hitting trees or other obstacles. Chance of headshot (instant kill) increases with higher skill.

Lots of stealth abilities: E.g. Disguise (look like a villager or guard), Feign Death (look like you fall down dead, but you're still alive), Lock Picking (to open locked doors or vaults), Jump (over fences and other obstacles),
Shadow Meld, Sneak (walk very slowly to remain invisible) -> These 2 only work when in the darkness, so during the night, and not near light sources (like torches). You can put out light sources to make it darker. When an enemy comes close, he will be able to see you!

Lots of different items: Daggers (throwable), Water Arrows (to douse light sources from a distance), Tinderbox (for guards to light fire sources again), Net (to ensnare enemies), Sleeping Gas bomb, Camouflage Clothes, Poison (use to tip your dagger or arrow in and poison an enemy, to disorient him)

And a LOT more! Are you excited to help me? Reply here or send me a private message!

Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
Thank you both for your reply

@ Zenonoth: can you also make custom animations for models? (that would be great!) And can you host maps on battle.net?

@ Aztec_devil2000: Sounds good about those hostbots! :) thats very useful.

Do you both have a map to show me a terrain you did?
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Thank you both for your reply

@ Zenonoth: can you also make custom animations for models? (that would be great!) And can you host maps on battle.net?

@ Aztec_devil2000: Sounds good about those hostbots! :) thats very useful.

Do you both have a map to show me a terrain you did?

I'll take some images and upload them soon, got school in 30 miniutes no time.

Edit: Check my maps out, they have some images for the time being: (Most of them have trailers, showing terrain etc) They are un finnished maps though currently working on arena that is in my signiture.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/thing-205511/ ( This one has really good images, the thread is closed so i couldn't copy the good ones and post here.)
Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
Ok looks good, although your maps aren't really similar to my map.. But I guess you can do a medieval theme too. It needs to be very 'complicated', so there are many hiding places. So no straight lines, but lots of doodads and stuff.

Also I want a village with lots of houses that you can enter (I have a working doors model), I made something now, but it doesn't really look good. It should look better and give you the feeling it is a real house, so it has to be decorated or something :)
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