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Looking for a quick job on a terrain

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Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
hy fellaz...im requesting an terrain layout...i only need the 3 main lanes and the smaller lanes betwen them..for those interested to help me..ill send a pm with a pic with the terrain layout that i need..just let me know who can help me.
Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
@ ruler im not familiar with war3 editor...thats why i requested here.

@master im posting a pic with the terrain layout that i need.

i only need the 3 main lanes...and the paths betwen them...the map is gonna be devided in 2 sides..left side with green stuff..green trees and rocks and stuff like that related like a forest..and in the right side..deserte..dead trees..rocks and stuff like that...but thats not really necesary right now..right now im only trying to get the layout...the important part is that...the layout to be just like in the ref pic..or else it might affect the gameplay...the dimension of the map should be as big as possible..to have more room to move...so this is the ref pic

Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
But a dota template (Terrain only) is much more closer to what you want, I mean green on the left side and undead-like on the right...

thats only a visual and an aspect part...thats not the important part...im focusing on the layout..thats the main part..whats betwen them its another story.

@ruler..i rather have some who know terraining..and someone with experience that it would only take like 1-2 hours to make...than to start learning tutorials and learning something that prob i wont use it anymore..and the result might not be what i need since...i dont have the experience for it.
Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
ik its easy to learn..but to make a good terrain thats functional and works properly it takes time...its not a random terrain after all..its like saying to someone to learn to ride a bicicle and then go do the france tour..
erit takes time to practice and learn all the tools ...to make something good..

this a request section after all....if people are ignoring me than whats the purpose of this...i know about the tutorials and shit...but i rather have someone with experience doing it...i wouldnt request it..if i didnt need that

@stryder..u can see the layout in the 5th comment.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
ik its easy to learn..but to make a good terrain thats functional and works properly it takes time...its not a random terrain after all..its like saying to someone to learn to ride a bicicle and then go do the france tour..
erit takes time to practice and learn all the tools ...to make something good..

this a request section after all....if people are ignoring me than whats the purpose of this...i know about the tutorials and shit...but i rather have someone with experience doing it...i wouldnt request it..if i didnt need that

@stryder..u can see the layout in the 5th comment.

I agree with your point, but I also agree with what others said here.
Layout doesn't really require skills. You can just use the grid as a reference and do it yourself. If you had the layout in place and wanted someone to make it pretty... then that would be a whole different story.
Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
I agree with your point, but I also agree with what others said here.
Layout doesn't really require skills. You can just use the grid as a reference and do it yourself. If you had the layout in place and wanted someone to make it pretty... then that would be a whole different story.

the layout is the important part..thats why it need to be done properly by an experienced hand..because the layout affects the gameplay and everything...like i sayd im not familiar at all with war3 editor.

its like...having an hole in ur wheel...ofc u can cover that..but it wont be good and smooth as one done by someone who dose that from a long time.
Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
You can try doing it yourself for once. People are going to get tired if you constantly request terrains and say the same thing all over again.

if im going to do it myself..and its gonna be bad...and then what?..i rather not use something bad or broken.

then u should write a notice in the request section that people shouldnt request terrain..because no one will do it.
Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
@stryder im not mad kid...mind ur own bussines...

@ruler i just requested something..in a place where i thought i could get help thats all.

@footman the whole ideea behind this terrain is not to copy dota.
Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
@hangun. what if i help you with the terrain? I'm still using the common world editor though since i lost my JASSGEN pack. But you have to tell me which terrain layout should i start from (Outland, Northrend, Dungeons....which one?) or have you already started it (send the map to me if you do)? I cannot guarantee that i will be able to finish it within a week since my mom always gets me overloaded with studies and house chores.
Level 3
Jul 5, 2011
@hangun. what if i help you with the terrain? I'm still using the common world editor though since i lost my JASSGEN pack. But you have to tell me which terrain layout should i start from (Outland, Northrend, Dungeons....which one?) or have you already started it (send the map to me if you do)? I cannot guarantee that i will be able to finish it within a week since my mom always gets me overloaded with studies and house chores.

i didnt start it but...if u start it just use the common terrain..because it dosnt matter since the visual part is gonna be edited sooner or later.

u can work on this...this was made by a friend..he got a hard time to make the lanes betwen the 3 main paths.


what u need to do with that terrain..is to remove the existing things betwen the 3 main lanes...and make the lanes like in this picture below

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Level 10
Jun 9, 2012
Just a few questions.

1. Is the road between the lanes roads? And are they meant to be narrow or broad?

2. The spaces between those roads should be unpathable or not? If yes, should i use trees or abyss or cliffs?

3. What are those gold and red skulls?

4. Should i add buildings or are you going to place them yourself?

5. Do you need it to be icy on the left and fiery on the right?

6. Would you like me to just shape the terrain or make it as close as the picture?

That's all the questions. Once you have answered these questions I'll begin immediately. I have until tomorrow before i am busy again.
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