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Looking for 24bit Dota Icons

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Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
Looking for 24bit Dota Icons

The icons i have now are 5-12 bit, and they get green in some cases. So i need a bunch of dota icons with an higher bit. Or do someone know how to change the icons i have so they wont turn green ?

what u mean under some cases?
coz icon also green example if the path not setted well (example for disable button/research button etc)
Level 8
Aug 8, 2011
Many icons from dota comes from war3, hive and wow. Check in we for the war3's ones, the icon section for the hive's ones and wow wiki for the wow's ones.

I won't take many time to do it, but here are some of the icons used in DotA i can find on the hive and on wow wiki.

WoW Wiki Icon List

theese icons arent 24 bit ?
Level 11
Jun 20, 2009
Use the correct path and they won't turn green. When you import an icon, the path will be like:
You need to turn it into

The disable icons ("DIS" in the front) uses "CommandButtonsDisabled" instead.
Actually, it's

BTN -> The normal icon
DISBTN -> The Disabled version of the icon
PAS -> Passive
DISPAS -> Disabled version of the passive icon
Level 8
Aug 8, 2011
Actually, it's

BTN -> The normal icon
DISBTN -> The Disabled version of the icon
PAS -> Passive
DISPAS -> Disabled version of the passive icon

wich of those lines shall i use then ?
When you import an icon, you're going to have two files.
One is going to be called BTNsomething and the other is DISBTNsomething (Sometimes, they give you PASBTN, PAS, etc..

If you only need the normal icon and it's disabled version (meaning the one that stops it from turning green, but rather darker in color), you would only use the first two:


The ____ has to be the same for both.
It can be anything you want =)
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
i dont get this, i can only have 1 activated icon cant i ?

u need atleast a disabled icon too else its allways show green (green=dont have the icon or wrong path)

i give a example, if u got a hero icon and hero die then icon changed to disabled icon automatically what is another icon

i give a example
(at import manager set the path)

until active again work without give the correct path to it, disabled icon dont work until u dont fix the icon path how i wrote, if u see the icons in hive then u can see every icon got minimum 2 blp file, active,disabled icon

also at abilities have another icon for learnable abilities (so if u dont learned yet then that icon also a different file with different path)

i think if u dont got the disabled icon file then download this and make it urself, when u imported the disabled icons change the path in import manager how i wrote

Level 8
Aug 8, 2011
where shall i put:


i can only activate 1 picture at a time ?


Do i just need to Import Both Enabled Icon and Disabled icon to the import, and then ONLY activate Enabled to the item icon ????
Dude :/


Here's an example.
Download and unzip it.
You get FOUR .blp files.
You only need at least 2 of them though (Only take into consideration the BTN and DISBTN ones.)
One of them will be called BTNCloakOfShadows.blp and the other DISBTNCloakOfShadows.blp
Import BOTH icons with the Import Editor.

They will be named war3imported\BTNCloakOfShadows.blp and war3imported\DISBTNCloakOfShadows.

Rename them to:


Now, when you want something to have this icon, you give it this: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCloakOfShadows.blp

The game will automatically create this: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNCloakOfShadows.blp instead of displaying a green icon.

The reason green icons get displayed is because most users don't know that they should import the files and change their paths like this. The game searches for ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTN___.blp, gets nothing, and thus, displays a green default icon.
Level 8
Aug 8, 2011
shall they be renamed inside the Import Manager or in the ITEM FILE ?

FX now i changed my Boots of Travel to this line in the Import Manage = ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNAbility Boots of Travel.blp Instead of: war3mapImported\DISBTNAbility Boots of Travel.blp

or shall i put both lines ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCloakOfShadows.blp + ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNCloakOfShadows.blp into the Custom Path Line ?
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
shall they be renamed inside the Import Manager or in the ITEM FILE ?

FX now i changed my Boots of Travel to this line in the Import Manage = ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNAbility Boots of Travel.blp Instead of: war3mapImported\DISBTNAbility Boots of Travel.blp

or shall i put both lines ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCloakOfShadows.blp + ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNCloakOfShadows.blp into the Custom Path Line ?

each blp file 1 path, so 1 path for disabled icon and 1 for normal

so something like this
ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNAbility Boots of Travel.blp
ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAbility Boots of Travel.blp
Level 8
Aug 8, 2011
there exist only 1 line to put an icon ? i dont understand how there can be 4 potentiel lines to put into only 1 line ? shoulden it be 1 line for 1 line ? Or is there some path i do not know of ? I only see 1 icon line

PS do someone have a video showing how to get rid of green icons ?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Because the game itself searches the correct icons, if the path for the default one is set correctly. To make the game find the DIS and DISPAS icons they must be imported under the right path. But you don't have to set them manually in the item editor. Only the Standard/Passive icon have to be set by you.

Ah, and maybe you should read the tutorial linked above.
An icon needs 2 different images for an icon to have a disabled image so the icon doesn't go green when the game is paused.

if you have noticed the reason why the icon needs two different kinds of icons is that if you look at an icon ingame and then you pause a game the icon actually comes up with what seems like a shadow. that shadow on the image isn't actually an effect but a totaly different image.

To be able to get this icon working you need to import two of the images for the icon for there for these two different effects to occur. when you import these two different images you need to rename the active icon to: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNA_NAME_OF_THE_ICON_OF_YOUR_JOICE.blp
and the imactive image (the part of the icon that appears when the game is paused) to the following: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNA_NAME_OF_THE_ICON_OF_YOUR_JOICE.blp.
Where I inserted 'A_NAME_OF_THE_ICON_OF_YOUR_JOICE' that is where you need to place whatever you want to name the icon and also both names if the images have to be the same for this to work.
Level 8
Aug 8, 2011
ok so i dont have to touch the Item Path line inside Object editor! ? if so i think i understand more now than before. Now i know i only have to focus on the Import Manager ;) ?

and then simply replace all the Full Path Costum Pathes from Imported line to the ReplacedTexture etc. im i right ?
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