LoaP - New Beginnings.

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Level 5
Jul 29, 2007
Right, I thought I'd have a take at making my own 100% original (possible exception with triggers) LoaP map.

Now, most LoaP maps throw you straight in with 300 gold and you select your Hero.

Now, I'm going to do a mixture for this:

Each Peasant player will start with 500 gold. You select your Hero at a Hero Tavern on the spawn island, each hero is also on display. Each peasant player has a wisp which can morph into a hero pet with can also level up, etc.

Each player gets a "pop-up Tent" which is an item, acts like a keep and they can enter it like a burrow to defend. They can also gather wood/gold and return it to there if the island permits.

The player can build a campfire which can produce up to ten torches to light up areas at night. The player must collect wood inorder to build a ship from the islands shipyard in order to expand/visit other places.

The starting island will also have shops and wild beasts on it.

Other towns will have jobs, houses and their own bonuses. Late game will include own house/town construction.

I'm welcome to suggestions. :thumbs_up:
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Seems like a very original game concept, if you give me a map copy (PM it to me) I can help you with terraining and the editing of units (can't help you with triggers, sorry!)

The idea sounds great overall! Is it modern, sci-fi or fantasy styled though?
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
What would be nice to see, is to have quests that each player can only do once and only oneperson can be doing it at a time. you know for item or gold like a quest on an RPG but never really seen any Loap with them. Great way for gold instead of a job only for gold.
Level 4
May 23, 2007
i think that is a great idea. its very original. it would be mouch different than the other loap maps
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
a quest i thought of:
The guy says on questobtain:

Some time to other, ships wreck on our island, we takes the screws on the boat for our use, so we can make houses to our childs. But on the last time, another town also started to take OUR screws, as a tradition on our island, we must scare them whit a totem to show that it is our screws. Go bring me a crab shell, a stick, a stone and a palmleaf, and i will make the totem for you.

When its complete, you go back to him and he says:

Good, now where we got the ingredients for the totem we are halfways done.
Heres the totem, go put it on the plamleaf and let it sail to their town, it should scare them as the totem i made is the totem for death! Dont look so scared, we are not going to kill anybody. when you sent the totem return to me.

Now a circle of power is spawned on the beach, go there and put the totem, and returm to the shaman.

Good, tonight we can start scare them. Heres some stones, go throw them on all the houses in thier town, but avoid getting seen! when you used them all, return to me and let me reward you.

now you have to throw the stones at the houses, the stones got 10 charges, and when throw it on the other town's houses, villagers will come out and run a little around, and then go back to bed. If you get into 600 range of them, you will fail the quest, and got to go back to the shaman to reobtain it (from the point where u get stones :))

hope it helps :D
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Try making 'Guild' quests, each guild you sign up for is a job and you start doing missions and going up the ranks, each time getting a larger daily pay

Standard Guilds which might work:
Warriors Guild
Mages Guild (all magics, different departmesnts though)
Thieves/and-or/Assasins Guild
Laborers Guild (Farmers, Workers, etc... sort of like a Union)
Political Department (help weekly elections and sort out the city/county/province, whatever...)

Add what you want and I'm sure more ideas will come to me. :)
Level 5
Jul 29, 2007
Nice Idea Daedra. I was thinking of making it so at night creeps spawn and move towards the player to attack, and they avoid "town watch" areas. To keep the town watches fires going you could collect wood then make it into bundles of wood which can be used not just for town guard, but for other things, player trading, etc.

Or something like that :p

But i'll work on the guild idea.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Thanks for considering my ideas! For characters, I thought maybe like each class is an advancemet.

Starting off with a commoner, then grunt, then trusted member, etc (for guilds)

Or, using half your gold in the beggining to be another hero (Thief, Warrior, Mage, Scout, Agent, Archer, Acrobat, etc...), to possibly help you on specified guils quests.

I'm going to post up a HUGE file full of things which may be usefull (sorry for the size, :p) and to people who made some of them, thanks! They really might work here...
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Well, I got 'em.

Sadl, I can't attach it here, too large... :p

Better for you anyways, hehe. But you'll find it in your e-mail soo ViralHatred *Muahaha!!* :wgrin:.

EDIT: *Sighs* Can't send it ANY way, I'll try dividing 'em up, see if that'll work..,
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Level 5
Jul 29, 2007
I'll take a look, I'm currently screaming at WEU for crashing :l

And I still can't figure out how to get multiple tilesets.

So far for definate will be 4-5 islands. Players will start with either a male or female depending on their choice. When they reach level 5 they may access hero selection. An admin can do -bonus to unlock "bonus" heroes if the admin (player 1) feels like it. The "town guard" player can activate a remove admin command if player 1 is being a dick. There will be places where you can convert your gold/lumber into swappable items to be re-redeemed.

The player will be able to hire various henchmen/workers for different prices/abilities.

So far thinking of: High Elf/Blood Elf worker, Tauren worker, Gnoll Worker, Goblin worker. For example, a barrens style island would have the Tauren on, etc.

As for Guilds, Warrior guild would be things such as "slay this omgwtfbbq dragon" or "kill the zomg spider". Theives guild would probably stealing gold from another player or an NPC. Labourers guild would be rewards for collecting and returning a certain amount of gold/lumber.

Just a few ideas.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
He means they'll be pretty much the same in this map, as in LoaP. If that's what he's saying, I think he's talking about door opening, 'cuz, other than a few events, the only trigger I know of is the job one. BUT I've never opened a LoaP up in WC3E so I wouldn't really know...
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
i've actually made alot of loaps, never really released just a fun thing me and a few friends used to do and my map makin teacher halo_king116. I have a map still i was remaking the original loap, the way i wish they originally made it lol. Plus a few of my own ideas in there.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Ok, I think I may have gotten guild ranks sorted out, I'll also name each guild:
Thieves Guild
  • Toad
  • Pickpocket
  • Footpad
  • Bandit
  • Prowler
  • Cat Burglar
  • Shadowfoot
  • Ringleader
  • Captain
  • Master Thief
City Militia, Kingdoms Army
  • Recruit
  • Spearman
  • Trooper
  • Agent
  • Champion
  • Master-of-Arms
  • Knight Errant
  • Knight Bachelor
  • Knight of the Rose
  • Knight of the Gryphon
Warriors Guild
  • Associate
  • Apprentice
  • Journeyman
  • Swordsman
  • Protector
  • Defender
  • Warder
  • Guardian
  • Champion
  • Master
Mages Guild
  • Associate
  • Apprentice
  • Journeyman
  • Conjurer
  • Magician
  • Warlock
  • Wizard
  • Master Wizard
  • Arch-Mage
Bounty Hunters/Assasins Guild
  • Murderer
  • Slayer
  • Thrall
  • Eliminator
  • Assassin
  • Executioner
  • Knower
  • Master
  • Exalted Master
  • Grandmaster

Will think of some more...
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
GREAT GREAT LIST, but i'd like to know how some of them would be different? Also it would take an extreme amount of work for them. Like spells(cause if it isn't custom spells then its horrible, original loaps were annoying with that.) But I do love the creativity Daedra.

(Also love the dragonlance steal, Knight of the rose. Possibly knight of crown, or sword will jump in. or how about evil like Knights of the lily,skull, and the thorn.)
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
I'm thinking that with each rank (possibly with an item/badge that symbolizes it) you have a higher pay, access to Guild Items, Lead guilds/army of the kingdom to war/sabotage other guilds and possibly give out missions to novices in the guild (Like, get me this items, I'll pay you ___ gold, and if you DARE sell it for its real price I will kill you).

Just a thought, and maybe with each item that symbolizes your rank you can click on it and it shows abilities availabe, no matter what your hero level is.
Level 5
Jul 29, 2007
Okay, So far, I have chosen these guilds:

Labour Guild; Miners, lumberjacks, etc. Can hire help, buy discount items, hire a kodo beast, get a job here.

Bandit Coven; Become a Theif, Bandit or Assassin, sell stolen items gained from a "steal" spell, hire pack mules and bandits.

The Freelancers Inns; Hire help, Discount Warrior/Hunters items, "purchase" an extra hero for your party.

These in turn should be fairly easy to produce. Currently I'm trying to think of a good map layout before I can start detailing it.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Stupid 7th grade... Damn, am I the only Middle-Schooler on the site?? And if you dare insult me a bout my age, don't forget... I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!! Lol, jk... about the project, I 'd like to see some screenies, no matter how few...
Level 5
Jul 29, 2007
Kaitech[SanD];407700 said:
It's a variable depending on the terrain. If the murloc goes near water then it changes to that model.

No It isn't.

Object Editor > Neutral Hostile > Murloc Tiderunner > Movement type > Change from "Foot" to "Amphibious".

So Viral, when will you Beta Test it/Hand it over for 'Peer Editing' (just like in my Englih clas!! :p)?

I'd like to get objects/units done, most if not all triggers and a basic layout of terrain set out. Then I'll need to figure out the multiple tileset thing so I can start detailing.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
did you use the same ranks for guilds as in oblivion and morrowind? they seem very similar.

Yeaaah, I mixed and matched 'em. I just thought the best examples of guild ranks I know of in games is the Elder Scrolls, but I haven't played much of Oblivion (Loooked on a TES wiki :p), but when I get a new graphics card sometime soon and finish cleaning the crap out of my external hard-drive, my pc will finally not suck at newer games.

EDIT: By new terrain, do you mean new layout? Or custom terrain? Because if it's filled with custom terrain... But you're definately talking about layout aren't we? Well, it's more than one town/city/country or something so it will DEFINATELY not have the same layout.
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