Ok I am trying to make a more realistic weather or rather day/night for 1 future map. I tried some triggers but didnt work and this has to be a cyclic event.
I tried something simple 1st:
E: Game - The in-game time of day becomes Greater than or equal to 8.00
Visibility - Disable fog of war
Yes the time goes and passes 8:00 the visibility doesnt disable, it didnt work.
Can somone tell me all the triiggers for the following:
When the time is between 8:00 and 19:00 the fog of war to be disabled for the entire map, there are lamps (units)- these lamps (all maps on the map) to be 'killed'thus not lit, a global weather - sunlights that also stop when the time becomes 19:01.
When the time becomes b-n 19:01 and 7:59, the fog of war to be enabled for the entire map, lamps (all maps on the map or whatever the way to put lamps on the same palces is) to be repalced with new (using the max hp) and environemtn-moon lights.
1 THING: This shouldnt happen once but always when the time becomes x and y, a cyclic event.
The problems comes mostly from how to connect them like i use If/Then/Else but these 2 - day and night either overlap or i dont know why it doesnt work 2)the time passes throught the number given in the conditions/actions and nothing happens.
I tried something simple 1st:
E: Game - The in-game time of day becomes Greater than or equal to 8.00
Visibility - Disable fog of war
Yes the time goes and passes 8:00 the visibility doesnt disable, it didnt work.
Can somone tell me all the triiggers for the following:
When the time is between 8:00 and 19:00 the fog of war to be disabled for the entire map, there are lamps (units)- these lamps (all maps on the map) to be 'killed'thus not lit, a global weather - sunlights that also stop when the time becomes 19:01.
When the time becomes b-n 19:01 and 7:59, the fog of war to be enabled for the entire map, lamps (all maps on the map or whatever the way to put lamps on the same palces is) to be repalced with new (using the max hp) and environemtn-moon lights.
1 THING: This shouldnt happen once but always when the time becomes x and y, a cyclic event.
The problems comes mostly from how to connect them like i use If/Then/Else but these 2 - day and night either overlap or i dont know why it doesnt work 2)the time passes throught the number given in the conditions/actions and nothing happens.