Limit Breaks in GUI

Making Limit Breaks in GUI
By Kidd|WhiteHeaven|

NOTE: A limit break is like a ultimate skill, only available through your will, or something. Cross Slash is an example im using, and its a limit break in the game FF7. Is very usefull to people who want to make FF7 maps.
Welcome to Kidd|WhiteHeaven|'s tutorial on making limit breaks in GUI. It seems very simple in one way, in another, im still working on.
Limit Breaks using Mana
First up is making limit breaks using mana, so open up WE and the object editor and go to the Abilities tab. Make an ultimate spell (call it w/e u want it), then go to the Unit tab and make a new unit that will use that ultimate spell, just dont give the spell to it yet!
Second, open your trigger editor and make a new trigger called "Ultimate Spell" or w/e you want it. Here are the steps for this trigger:
Step 1: In the events, add "Real equal to 100.0" or w/e that function is called (dont have WE open right now).
Step 2: Next in the conditions, add "Player conditions", the one with the (Owner of (Triggering Unit) equal to Player 1. Then add the Unit-Type Triggering unit condition, set the unit to the hero/unit thats going to use the limit break.
Step 3: Last, in the actions, we add the ability to the unit, using "Unit - Add Ability". Make sure you select the Ultimate Spell or Limit Break (#) to that unit!
Now this is what you should have!:
  • Events
  • Real - Mana of (unit) is equal to 100%
  • Conditions
  • (Owner of (Triggering Unit) equal to Player (#)
  • (Unit-Type of (Triggering Unit) equal to (For now, lets just say Cloud)
  • Actions
  • Unit - Add Cross Slash to (Triggering Unit)
I really havn't tested this yet, but its a close guess for that. Theres another way for doing Limit Breaks, is by using.....
Limit Breaks using Dialogues
This is pretty much the same of the first way. Keep the conditions and actions, but add these triggers:
  • Events
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Dialogue - Clear !MYLOG!
  • Dialogue - Create !MYLOG! with title LIMIT BREAKS
  • Dialogue - Create a button for !MYLOG!
  • Set - Set LB1 = (Last Clicked Dialogue Button)
  • Dialogue - Create a button for !MYLOG!
  • Set - Set LB2 = (Last Clicked Dialogue Button)
  • Dialogue - Create a button for !MYLOG!
  • Set - Set LB3 = (Last Clicked Dialogue Button)
  • Dialogue - Create a button for !MYLOG!
  • Set - Set LB4 = (Last Clicked Dialogue Button)
  • Dialogue - Show !MYLOG! for (PLAYER)
Then make 4 more triggers after doing that, since in FF7 there are 4 limit breaks for each person, and then for the trigger after that trigger you do the ability remove after it is finished being casted, unless you want to show something cool. The first one should be like this:
  • Events
  • Dialogue - A dialogue button has been clicked
  • Conditions
  • (Clicked Dialogue Button) equal to LB1
  • Actions
  • Unit - Add (ABILITY) to (UNIT)
The dialogue event clicked button events for units, i dont get those so if anyone please, help me with that, unless its gonna have each player only have 1 hero, then that will work. Ok, now that you done that, you now should do this:
  • Events
  • Unit - Begins Casting an Ability
  • Conditions
  • (Ability Being Cast) equal to Cross Slash
  • Actions
  • Unit - Pause Targeted point of ability being cast
  • Unit - Move (caster unit) to (Target point of ability being cast)
  • Animation - Change speed of (casting unit)'s animation
  • Animation - Play (Caster Unit)'s attack animation
  • Unit - Make (Casting Unit) deal damage to (Target Point of Ability Being Cast) of 400 Damage, Attack type Chaos Spell Type Paralyze
  • Animation - Play (Caster Unit)'s attack animation
  • Unit - Make (Casting Unit) deal damage to (Target Point of Ability Being Cast) of 400 Damage, Attack type Chaos Spell Type Paralyze
  • Animation - Play (Caster Unit)'s attack animation
  • Unit - Make (Casting Unit) deal damage to (Target Point of Ability Being Cast) of 400 Damage, Attack type Chaos Spell Type Paralyze
  • Animation - Play (Caster Unit)'s attack animation
  • Unit - Make (Casting Unit) deal damage to (Target Point of Ability Being Cast) of 400 Damage, Attack type Chaos Spell Type Paralyze
You can do that a few times, or so. Now to remove the spell:
  • Events
  • Unit - Finishes Casting an Ability
  • Conditions
  • (Ability being Cast) equal to Cross Slash
  • Actions
  • Unit - Remove Cross Slash from (Casting Unit)
  • Unit - Unpause (Targeted Unit, only IF the unit has not died!)
There, you have your limit break working! Well, if it actually works, cuz im not at work. I have a comp here at home, but its old from 1998, and gots lotta viruses! But i have this installed in my other comp at my 2nd house also.
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final fantasy stuff. if you play ff7 you would know.
Limit breaks are like ultimate spells.
Cross Slash is a limit break.

Erm... Many people do and don't play final fantasy, so just in case I think you should add a description of what limit breaks are. I don't play final fantasy, so I thought "wtf?"

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
This tutorial is of sub standard quality.

Some of the GUI is invalid and all of it is not formated making it harder for the people who need this to understand it.
It leaks, and leaks are bad so I strongly recomend that nobody uses this in their map.
You order a unit to play the same animation 4 times instantly which is the same as one time and use 4 damage actions when 1 with 4 times the damage would have done, obviously you forgot the wait actions inbetween.

Also this is more like how I made a spell than how to do something that people find it hard to do or might need help, so please make a map of it and submit it to our spell section for moderation and not the tutorial section.

I strongly recomend this gets burried since this is unlikly to help anyone unless the author greatly improves it.