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Making a REAL Grenade Spell

How to make a real grenade spell
By Kidd|WhiteHeaven|

Exploding grenade on contact
Exploding grenade after a few seconds

This is pretty much a short tutorial, but this should probably work on making a real grenade spell using GUI. I dont have my WE open right now but i can remember a few things.

Grenade Model - Link: http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/models/2634/

Exploding Grenade on Contact

Step 1: Making the Spell
Base the spell on Cluster Rockets(my suggestion), and make it deal no damage each level, and no AoE. Make Stun Duration 0.00.(real grenades DONT stun!) Then just add it to the hero.
Step 2: Functioning the damage and area
First, before making the damage and aoe change each level, you must first set its damage and its aoe. In the Initiallization trigger, add Set (variable name) = (number) for 2 things:
1. Radius
2. Damage
So you should have something like this added in your map init trigger.:
  • Events
  • Map Initialization
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Set DMGLVL = 100
  • Set AoELVL = 500
Step 3: Making the damage and radius go up each level
This step is pretty much simple. Make another trigger, name it GLvl or whatever you want to name it.
For the events, use the event "Unit - Learns a skill". Then in the conditions, put (Learned Hero Skill) equal to (Grenade).
Last, make 2 Set variable triggers. One for the damage, the other for the radius. Do Set DMGLVL = DMGLVL + (your number of choice) then Set RADILVL = RADILVL + (your number of choice). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE DMGLVL AND RADILVL AS A REAL! This is what it should look like, this is my example:
  • Events
  • Unit - Learns a Skill
  • Conditions
  • (Learned Hero Skill) equal to (Grenade)
  • Actions
  • Set DMGLVL = DMGLVL + 250
  • Set RADILVL = RADILVL + 300
Step 4: Making the spell/trigger
Now, just make another trigger, name it whatever you want. The event should be Unit - Begins Casting an Ability. Conditions should have (Ability being Cast) equal to (Grenade). Action WILL include this function: Unit - Make (Caster Unit) deal damage in a RADILVL of DMGLVL Attack Type Pierce Spell Type Fire. Now, it should look something like this:
  • Events
  • Unit - Begins to cast a spell
  • Conditions
  • (Ability Being Cast) equal to (Grenade)
  • Actions
  • Unit - Make (Casting Unit) deal damage in a RADILVL of DMGLVL Attack Type Pierce Spell Type Fire
Thats ONE way to make that makes a better grenade spell than this. Now for the other way.

Making the Grenade wait a few seconds to explode
Just make another grenade trigger, copy the increase dmg n area trigger, and make a new trigger. Name it w/e u want. The events should have this: Unit - Begins casting an ability. And the conditions should have this: (Ability Being Cast) equal to (Grenade). Actions include this:
Unit - Create 1 Grenade for (Owner of (Casting Unit)) at (Target point of ability being cast) facing (Position of (Triggering Unit))
Wait - Wait 4.00 seconds
Unit - Make (Last Created Unit) to damage a circular area after 0.01 seconds of RADI at (Target point of ability being cast) dealing DMG of attack type Pierce and spell type Fire.
Unit - Explode (Last Created Unit)
And it should look like this:
  • Events
  • Unit - Beings casting an ability
  • Conditions
  • (Ability Being Cast) equal to (Grenade)
  • Actions
  • Unit - Create 1 Grenade for (Owner of (Casting Unit)) at (Target point of ability being cast) facing (Position of (Triggering Unit)
  • Wait - Wait 4.00 seconds
  • Unit - Make (Last Created Unit) to damage a circular area after 0.01 seconds of RADI at (Target point of ability being cast) dealing DMG of attack type Pierce and spell type Fire.
  • Unit - Explode (Last Created Unit)
If you get confused, use my demo map. If there are any problems, tell me and i will fix it. Thank you for using my tutorial on making REAL grenades!
NOTE: Both grenade spells i put in the demo map are in the same button, so ill fix it later.


  • Making a GNade.w3x
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Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
This is terrible and does not work :p.

-Using the grenade spell hides your cursor
-There's no effects what so ever. You just get damaged.
-Nothing else to say since there is nothing else....

I would advice you to read some tutorials about leaks and using variables before attempting to create a tutorial of your own.