Lightning Spell

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Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
Hello Hive!
I'm trying to create a spell called Lightning Storm which is an ulti of a hero. It casts lightning to any enemy unit within the AoE and damages and slows them.
I based it on the Blizzard spell, I tested it first but it didn't show lightning shooting from the sky. I don't know what should I do since there is no spell using that kind.
Level 5
May 12, 2014
Can you give a bit more info on how the spell works?
- Is the spell a channeling spell?
- Is it a point/target spell or instant?
- Does the spell create a lightning storm, zapping enemies every second and slowing them, or does it just zap them once?
- Is the lightning an actual missile, or would using something like the lightning bolt doodad be fine?
Level 5
May 12, 2014
Ok, so try this out. Unfortunately, I could get the AOE targeting circle. I based the spell off of Tornado (naga sea witch lvl 6 ability).
The slow is through the Tornado Slow Aura which the dummy unit has, you can adjust the slow there.
Damage is adjusted in the first trigger.
If you want to change how long the channel is, just adjust the duration of the channel time in the spell (OE).

Oh, and I decided to make the lighting in a different way and not use the lightning bolt doodad :)
Sorry if this is a bit messy to understand, but I sort of rushed this.

Edit: If you want the target circle still, I can make that later today. Making spells in school is too stressful xD.


  • LightningStorm.w3x
    18.3 KB · Views: 48
Level 5
May 12, 2014
1) Okay, so I realized that I made a really dumb mistake using Tornado as the base spell. Getting the target circle was as easy as using a channel ability with the circle. I made that adjustment.

2) While this spell is MUI, I didn't design the slow to be stackable. I have no idea how to go about that :)

3) If you have any issues in customizing this spell to your preferences, I will be here. But also, I forgot to ask some other questions also if this isn't what you wanted.
a) How many levels are in the spell? I know that this is an ultimate ability, but a lot of maps have ultimate abilities with 1/3/4/5 levels total. The most common one I see is 3.
b) How does the damage scale? In the test map, I just wrote the damage in the first trigger as 35 x Skill Level, but I'm fairly certain that this isn't what you want.
c) If there are multiple levels, does the slow scale and by how much?

Also, there is a much easier alternative. If you look for the spell "Monsoon" and customize that to your liking, then all it needs are 2 simple triggers. Monsoon is pretty much what you want, except that the damage it deals per second is just a flat value (can't scale off of stats, etc.) and that it doesn't have a slow attached.
I felt the need to give you the more complicated version since this way the lightning is much prettier imo, and its also more customizable (is that even a word?).


  • LightningStorm2.w3x
    18.9 KB · Views: 48
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