12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
Maker, Lightning Roll v3, 12:28, 10th Nov 2011
Store the level at the time of casting->
- Set LR_DistanceArray[LR_Integer] = (Distance between (Position of LR_HeroArray[LR_Integer]) and LR_Point2)
Get rid of LR_Point3 variable, it is not needed. Use point1 or point2 instead.
- Unit - Set mana of LR_HeroArray[LR_Integer] to ((Mana of LR_HeroArray[LR_Integer]) - (17.00 - (Real((Level of Lightning Roll for LR_HeroArray[LR_Integer])))))
The damage unit action leaks a location.
Don't use an array for the unit group.
Use Add unit to selection instead of Select unit.
The skip removing actions can be removed.
You're missing learn hotkey.
Add importing instructions into the map.
The spell is not easy to configure at all. You could add a configuration trigger.
You could consider some pathing check, since one can get stuck easily. Try casting the ability in an area thick with trees.
You could apply max cast range or require visibility over the targeted area, since now if mana cost is low, one can travel anywhere on the map.
Maker, Lightning Roll v2, 16:50, 7th Nov 2011
The spell is not MUI.
There are location leaks and a unit group leak.