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Life of Ze undead

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This may be a little like "life of a undead" but ive changed the characters eg......there are now werewolf,some other characters i forgot oh and credit to the guy who made "life of a undead".....im now working on an rpg i just need help with the quest giver and the creep spawn....i will submit better and cooler maps later on. this is my first map! ive submitted


LOAP,undead,life of ze undead,werewolf,Medevil

Life of Ze undead (Map)

21:16, 31st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 11
Jul 7, 2010
Only thing i have to say now is that :
[x] Improve Description
[x] Map Terrain looks good from mini map preview
[x] Fix up [Created by sevillafc ; Uploaded by: coolcool246] , Did you make the map or "Changed the map" ???
Testing map give you full report when done :D


[x] Did you even make the map? (Game Creator: ShadowFox117) ?
[x] "Your" triggers leek...
  • Action:
  • Unit - Create 1 ..... at (Center of Spawn Gen).
[x] Basically like any other LOAP game where it's boring after a while
[x] Change the "In game" description
life of ze undead (lol)
live a beutiful life (in the undeads way of beutiful :3)
as an undead, with pain and torcher of never dieng and emo stuff
u can be a peasant, drug lord, cops and ect AND REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if u dont rate, the lich king
[x] Loading Screen is ugly and so black...
[x] Game author " sevillafc " ??
I give this map :
2.8/5 Middle of Approve and Rejected..
P.S I seen better LOAP map's than this so i doubt this map won't get rejected.
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
Fix the description or it'll be rejected, here's a list of BB Codes to help. Terrain is awful since its a loap styled map. Now for the serious part, this is just really breaking the Hive's rule of "Originality". Any loap copies are considered unoriginal. Also author name is different to the uploaders and no credit is given to the original map.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Only thing i have to say now is that :
[x] Improve Description
[x] Map Terrain looks good from mini map preview
[x] Fix up [Created by sevillafc ; Uploaded by: coolcool246] , Did you make the map or "Changed the map" ???
Testing map give you full report when done :D


[x] Did you even make the map? (Game Creator: ShadowFox117) ?
[x] "Your" triggers leek...
  • Action:
  • Unit - Create 1 ..... at (Center of Spawn Gen).
[x] Basically like any other LOAP game where it's boring after a while
[x] Change the "In game" description

[x] Loading Screen is ugly and so black...
[x] Game author " sevillafc " ??
I give this map :
2.8/5 Middle of Approve and Rejected..
P.S I seen better LOAP map's than this so i doubt this map won't get rejected.

You must remember, both the maps you reviewed lack the description (rules violation) maps like that cannot be approved.
Level 7
Aug 22, 2009
Sadly, maps like this get rejected all the time. You have to make it different by actually working on a different terrain and style than everyone else, who have done nothing but changed the terrain and added units. Personally, you should try starting a map from scratch. That way, your map will be noticed instead of being seen, then cast off because it looks exactly the same as everything else. I vote for rejection.