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Life/Mana Siphon Exploit/Ability

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I will tell you guys about some of it or well what I know. You see its one of the best abilities in WC3 due to the ability being able to raise Current mana/life over max without raising max. It's quite a cool feature and you can even make it seem like regeneration.

You could make quite the systems if you knew how to use it.
There's no triggers/code so don't bother asking. This test map should reveal everything you will need to know about this fun ability. Have fun. :thumbs_up:

I'll most likely use this to make systems later, hHowever feel free to play around. The problem though is that it uses Buffs so you can't use it like you would normally with a stat system or bonus mod.
Edit: Don't know how to use it quite yet myself. =)


  • Dat Sihpon Bug.w3x
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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
-_- when I say I will make something... can't you let me?

I can give a unit an amount of mana (can be specified in a variable) without showing any effects...
I am trying to remove the buff but no success yet.

It is not instant.
When you "set" a unit's mana with this, and you do a DisplayText() action of the unit's mana, the mana is not yet updated. With a 0.03 interval it is... a 0 seconds timer not I guess.
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