• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!



Rich with resources and treasure, these forests would make an excellent foundation on which to build an empire.

First I failed with my first map in the terrain and doodads etc.
So i thought why not edit/alter a blizzards melee map.
And this is the result.


In the map there are:
6- green camps
20- Orange camps
4- Red camps

4- Taverns
4- Mercenary camps
4- Merchants
4- Goblin Laboratories

In Main goldmines there are 17'000 gold
In Mines nearest the Main there are 12'500 gold
In center mines there are 20'000 gold

There are special things too like:
Race shop
Mysterious cages


Also check your heroes names they might be legendary...









Change Log

As You can see here is nothing so now you know that there is no changes and you are still reading this and you even can't tell why and now that i have put a smile on your face let's continue


Thanks to:
Ampharos_222 for the abomination skin and for his mountain king skin
Denu for the Battle mage of the crimson order (Warden) skin
GreyArchon for the cheetah rider (huntress) skin
Juice_F for the Darkelf Archer skin
Pins for his Inquisitor (paladin) skin
Hueter for the holy keeper skin and for his Nightelf Mage skin
FrIkY for the Naga Tichondrius skin
thisruoy for the Peasant2 skin
Shinji XJ for the Runic Sorcerer (acolyte) skin
zadelim for the Priestess Of The Death Moon Knight skin

Sellenisko for the Dragonmaw Rider
Wandering Soul for the Halberdier model
BloodElf300 and Uncle Fester for their Highelf Sorceress
Uncle Fester for the Orc Assasin model
Ampharos_222 for the Troll Edgemaster
Kitabatake for the Firemage model

Sin'dorei300 for the DarkElf Archer Icon
BloodElf300 for the FireMage icon
Dan van Ohllus for the WarMage icon

[rainbow]JB_McKnight for his hard work to make PyroDragon just for me ^_^
HIVEWORKSHOP >.< For... you know
Daffa the Mage for helping me with the map and giving advice how to do better
The Blood for trying to help with my garena :D :D
Forsaken for being Forsaken and for allowing to make one map in his campaign that he won't use :D :D :D
Oh Almost forgot about THE BLIZZARD That hates human kind.... For making the game[/rainbow]


Mrhobby53, Legends+, 2v2, blizzard, altered melee, Legendary Names.

Legends (Map)

17:51, 26th Jul 2013 Orcnet: map approved
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Broken Screenhots,
sorry for be so sincere, this maps need so many things, buy an worker" of all races, this turn the game unbalanced, for a altered melee i advice you do it like Uljimassa Hojo, change every thing of the races for make another custom race, using the same valor attack, armor and life of the units for make somethings more balanced, and with this make a Melee AI for them...

for now my rate is 1/5 .. if u change the things for better perhaps i change it
Level 6
Nov 12, 2012
Yeah i kind of figured that out

Here's the working ones


Yeah, now that the pictures are in the album you can rightclick them to get the URL of the pictures and replace the "links for your HDD" with the pictures, but DO NOT REMOVE THE PICTURES FROM YOUR PROFILE, simply set the screenshots to their right place. Doing this will make your description much better...
Level 6
Dec 21, 2012
Yeah, now that the pictures are in the album you can rightclick them to get the URL of the pictures and replace the "links for your HDD" with the pictures, but DO NOT REMOVE THE PICTURES FROM YOUR PROFILE, simply set the screenshots to their right place. Doing this will make your description much better...

And i think that now i fixed them :D

I think...
Last edited:
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Did you take random models and mish mash them into the factions?
Because clearly you do realize they don't actually 'fit' the factions at all, there's a night elf hero on the Alliance, an elf and a deathknight on the night elves - kaldorei, there's a golden vampire on the Undead - Forsaken(also forsaken don't really like death knights on their team.. nor Lichs.. just sayin :3).
Anyway, except for that, I dont think the map remake is bad, it's quite eye pleasing actually so congrats on that! :)
Level 6
Dec 21, 2012
Did you take random models and mish mash them into the factions?
Because clearly you do realize they don't actually 'fit' the factions at all, there's a night elf hero on the Alliance, an elf and a deathknight on the night elves - kaldorei, there's a golden vampire on the Undead - Forsaken(also forsaken don't really like death knights on their team.. nor Lichs.. just sayin :3).
Anyway, except for that, I dont think the map remake is bad, it's quite eye pleasing actually so congrats on that! :)

Actually i thought about that too But... Think an awesome altered story of that heroes kind Like he got there... For example that Elementalist... Maybe he was at the Higborne side but didn't go to with the Arcane magics and yeah....

The priestess She just Died and was accidentally resurrected... :p And yeah...
The Warden She... um... was at the... Azsharas side and started to use arcane magic but understood the threat and joind the others

The Undead... If you remember Sylvanas [before Kel'thuzad arrived] said that she'll make Arthas her slave and stuff... So this is an altered story and she did it and somehow got control over liches...? The NAGA DREADLORD is another form of nathrezim Let's say they came from swampy areas... :p :D
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Actually i thought about that too But... Think an awesome altered story of that heroes kind Like he got there... For example that Elementalist... Maybe he was at the Higborne side but didn't go to with the Arcane magics and yeah....

The priestess She just Died and was accidentally resurrected... :p And yeah...
The Warden She... um... was at the... Azsharas side and started to use arcane magic but understood the threat and joind the others

The Undead... If you remember Sylvanas [before Kel'thuzad arrived] said that she'll make Arthas her slave and stuff... So this is an altered story and she did it and somehow got control over liches...? The NAGA DREADLORD is another form of nathrezim Let's say they came from swampy areas... :p :D

Well think of it this way, there are people who like to get creative in different ways, but there are also people that respect symmetry and logic(fantasy oriented logic - in this case) above all else.
I for one tend to rely more on the original lore of Warcraft, and think of it as a separate universe far..far away :p.
And having said that, it quite bugs me when I see neither on a map, that of course is a personal opinion of an individual and should only be considered as such. :)
If you and the majority of the reviewers enjoy the map in this state -- that does indeed mean you have created a good map, however there will always be people who will criticize your work because it doesn't stand up to their expectations -- me in the particular case, but that is not something for you to be offended about, I actually took the time to review it to my interest, that means I respect your work even though I dislike your map. :)