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Legacy of Lordaeron v3.0 Classic

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
Warseeker Presents

Legacy of Lordaeron
v 3.0 Classic

Legacy of Lordaeron is a singleplayer RPG custom campaign inspired by the Founding of Durotar gameplay and World of Warcraft lore. This campaign is based on adventuring and questing style, levelling and unraveling the story. The objective is to complete quests while developing your heroes' abilities.

Requires Reforged 2.0


- Choose among 7 playable classes with 21 specializations.
- Map Transition similar to the Founding of Durotar.
- Variable Difficulty Levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard.
- Three Acts with over ten hours of gameplay.
- Custom abilities, items and music.


Following the death of the Lich King, the Forsaken have turned their attention to other pursuits. For one: the complete conquest of Lordaeron. Now, along with being mistrusted by her own allies, Sylvanas recognizes that many of Azeroth's other inhabitants still see her people as a threat, even after the Lich King's defeat. As their numbers dwindle by the day, the Forsaken have begun fortifying their holdings around the Undercity, working to prove their loyalty to the Horde's cause even as they ready themselves for any future attacks.



- Fixed bug in Blackthorn Bandits Quest, the Block Path of Trees is now passable.
  • Fixed bug in Odd Vision Quest, the Block Path of Trees in now passable.
  • Fellson's Healing Spray Ability has been replaced by Elixir of Death..

- Fixed some dialogue mistakes.

- bugs fixes and small changes.
  • Reduced the campaign file size.
  • Blackthorn Bandits Quest is now accessible without requirement of finishing "Aiding the Forsakens" Quest.
  • Added a Creep Respawn in Sub-Maps.

- Fixed small bugs all over.

Major Changes :
  • Transition System : The Transition system works now with multiboards, before stepping into a new zone, a dialogue will ask you either you want/or not to access that zone.
  • Fixed a bug which prevent Creep Respawn from working after the Transition.
  • The Quest "Slay the Orcs" has now a different feature, You're no longer required to destroy ALL bases. All you have to do now is simply killing the enemy heroes.
  • Added 2 more class to play : Death Knight - Hunter
  • Fixed a small bug in "Missing Ingredients" quest.
  • An improvement in the quests, cinematics description.
  • A little bit change of the story.

1.6a : - Added a Drop Item System
  • Added two more class to play : Rogue - Warrior
  • I made the cinematics transmission a little bit longer.
1.6b : - Changed the Hunter's model.
  • Some changes in the DK and Mage skills.
  • Fixes in the description and transmissions.
  • You are now to able to train Val'kyr in Slay the Orcs quest.

- Major bug fixes and maintenance.
- Fixed two cinematic bugs in Alterac Ruins map.

Released Act Two and Three.

Act One : - Fixed a bug in the Necrolyte's Quest. Black Dragon Claw and Eye of Shadow are now visible.
  • Replaced Faranell in the Secret Mission (the underground cave) with Nathanos instead.
  • Fixed the Death Knight's Ebon Might ability: It increases the damage by percent instead of a specified number, also this ability affect the DK only.
  • Replaced the Hunter's Black Arrows ability with Poison Arrows.
  • Replaced the Mage's Meteor Strike ability with Fire Bolt.
  • Changed a bit the story of the Blackthorn's bandits.
  • Small bug fixes and changes all over the maps of this act.
  • Stash in now available in every map, including the sub-maps.
Act Two : - Reworked on all the maps of this act and added 3 new maps.
  • Removed the Broken Isles and Den of the Warlock map.
  • Replaced Galen's Death Pact ability with Inner Rage.
  • Increased the Neutral Hostile units' damage, health and armor.
Act Three : - Map 1 : Changed the design and gameplay style of this map.
  • Map 2 : Increased a little bit the Worgen battleships' damage and health.
  • Map 3 : The fight with Genn Greymane goes on three bosses instead of fighting him individually.
  • Increased the Worgen units' damage and health.
  • Removed Ivar Bloodfang and Lord Vincent Godfrey from this map.

- Bug fixes and balance improvement.
  • Replaced the Rebel Orcs in Alterac Ruins with Crushridge Ogres.
  • Changed the storyline of Act Three to make it similar to WoW : Cataclysm.
  • Changed the model of Herod.

- Added a Specialization Selection for each class.
  • Reduced the damage of Kill Shot to 750 at level 2.
  • Merphist no longer cost food.

- Update the campaign to patch 1.29.2
  • Added a new sub-map : Scholomance
  • Bug fixes and general improvements
  • You are now able to customize your Character's name in the menu selection.
  • Added a new optional quest in Silverpine Forest.
  • Changed the quest : Crushridge Ogres from main quest to optional.
  • Fixed the Scarlet Monastery bug on patch 1.29. The quest should work fine now.
  • Changed Merphist's Mana Burn ability.
  • Changed Faranell's model.
  • Galen is no longer a controlable/obtainable hero in this act. Instead you will get Grimthos. Grimthos is bonus hero that you can obtain as a fourth hero after compeleting his quest, just like Merphist in Act One.
  • Revamped the Battle for Andorhal and added 2 Scourge bases.
  • Changed the Bloodfang Lieutenant's model.
  • Revamped the first chapter of Act Three and added 2 extra Worgen bases.
  • Removed the second chapter of Act Three and replaced it with a mini-dungeon in Act Two.
  • Turned the last chapter of Act Three into a macro mission.

- Updated the campaign to make it work with patch 1.30.1.
  • Changed the Hero Selection System with a different one.
  • Added a shared vision of Brill, Velonara's Camp and the Transition Locations.
  • Added a Tomb of Relics in Brill.
  • Removed the Blizzard and Mana Siphon from the Spellbook.
  • Warlock : Summon Felhunter : Reduced to 1 Felhunter instead of 2, Increased damage and armor; can now be healed.
  • DK : Scourge Strike : Fixed the instant kill bug also reduced the extra damage per second and the spell duration.

Tirisfal Glades
: - Most of the Skeletons have been replaced by Scourge minions.
Scarlet Monastery : - Added a new Resurrection Stone in the north-west.
- Changed the location of the first Resurrection Stone and stash.
Arathi Highlands : - Added two Resurrection Stones, one on the north-east, the other on the south-west.
Alterac Ruins : - Added more spells to the ogre heroes.
Hillsbrad Foothills : - Added a Tomb of Relics in Tarren Mill.
Cinematics and Dialogues : - Improved most of the dialogues.
Items : Changed some of the loots dropped by creeps.
Death Knight (Frost) : - Deathchill : No longer decrease attack damage.
Warlock (Demonology) : - Shadow bolt --> Summon Succubus.
- Summon Felhunter : Increased hit points and mana cost.
Hunter (Survival) : - Kill Shot : Increased mana cost and cooldown.
Fellson : - Elixir of Death : Reduced the amount of heal for level 2,3 and 4 (200/350/500/600 instead of 200/400/600/800)
- Chemical Rage : Reduced the attack rate for each level.
Merphist : - Skewer : Reduced the amount of damage.
Grimthos : - Vampiric Aura --> Vampiric Touch (Single Target)
- Hardened Armor --> Howl of Terror.

- Act 3 button should now appear after completing Act 2.
  • Agamand Mills : - The level 6 Lich is no longer a Hero.
  • Hillsbrad Foothills : - Removed the tomes from the Tomb of Relics.
  • Added a shared vision for Southshore and the Sludge Fields.
  • Hinterlands : - Added a Tomb of Relics in Maranel's camp.
  • Added a Hero in the Highvale Elves' outpost.
  • Eastern Plaguelands : - Added a Tomb of Relics in the Forsaken outpost.
  • Western Plaguelands : - Added a Goblin Merchant.
  • The Portals are now invulnerables during the fight with Araj.
  • Koltira will now engage in fight with Araj.
  • Silverpine Forest : - Added a Tomb of Relics in the Forsaken outpost.

------------------------ Heroes -------------------------------

  • Death Knight : - Changed his model.
  • Warlock (Demonology) : - Succubus can now be healed with Elixir of Death.
  • Hunter (Beast Master) : - Black Spider can now be healed with Elixir of Death.
  • Mage (Arcane) : Changed all his spells.
  • Fellson : - Nerfed Elixir of Death ( 150/300/450/600 instead of 200/350/500/600)
  • Sludges can now be healed with Elixir of Death.
  • Merphist : - Nerfed the chances of Critical Strike to 10% instead of 15%.
  • Grimthos : - Changed all his spells except Reincarnation.
  • Fixed Grimthos' Exp Cap in Act 2.

- Added a Hero in the undead encampment of the first mission of Act 3.
  • Worgen Workers can no longer build structures when possessing them.
  • After destroying the Bloodfang and Liberation Worgen bases, the Forsaken will send more reinforcements.

- Fixed the Death Knight's Frost Presence ability.
  • Nerfed the Rogue's Adrenaline Rush ability.
  • Increased the stats of the items that can be found in Scholamance.
  • Improved the Forsaken AI in the last mission of Act 3.
  • Nerfed the Worgen units' HP in the last mission of Act 3.
  • Changed the model of Merphist and his ultimate.

- Fellson's Summon Sludge ability no longer requires a corpse.
  • Replaced the Arcane Mage's Absord Magic ability with Summon Arcane Golem.
  • Gold/Lumber will now transition to Act 2.
  • Battle for Andorhal : No longer requires to destroy the bases.

- Arcane Blast now deals accurate damage.
  • Illusion : No longer take multiple damage, Reduced cooldown from 45 to 30, Reduced mana cost to 75. Illusions can now deal damage to enemy units.
  • Evocation can now be used on friendly units/Heroes aswell.

- Fixed Memory Leaks.
- Fixed a known issue in patch 1.31.

- Revamped the campaign and made it compatible with Reforged.


  • Anemic Royalty
  • Ujimasa Hojo
  • ironmaiden
  • Afronight_76
  • Alastor
  • Edge45
  • Fingolfin
  • Suselishe
  • Kuhneghetz
  • Mike
  • Hawkwing
  • johnwar
  • sPy
  • Em!
  • Sliph-M
  • Buster
  • Matarael
  • Grendel
  • JesusHipster
  • JetFangInferno
  • Tarrasque
  • Tranquil
  • UgoUgo
  • EviL_BuddhA
  • Sellenisko
  • Villagerino
  • Power
  • Tauer
  • ApeJI
  • Kitabatake
  • assasin_lord
  • donut3.5
  • AndrewOverload519
  • Callahan
  • imforfun
  • KenArok
  • Commedia
  • BaiyuGalan
  • Champara Bros
  • xyzier_24
  • jordan10
  • Cavman
  • JB_McKnight
  • SantoRayo[iP]
  • rsLushmane
  • Hantoo
  • Hate
  • Daelin
  • Jiok
  • Matarael
  • bakr
  • Vinz
  • General Frank
  • kangyun
  • Nasrudin
  • Stefan.K
  • HerrDave
  • Khazmo

  • 67chrome
  • Juice_F
  • Dionesiist
  • chr2
  • PrinceYaser
  • CloudWolf
  • Blood Raven

  • Apheraz Lucent
  • Marcos DAB
  • Kyzerdrood32
  • Afronight_76
  • 4eNNightmare
  • AndrewOverload519
  • MangakaDark
  • San
  • Chen
  • -Berz-
  • Kimbo
  • PeeKay
  • M0rbid
  • Aldeia
  • GreyArchon
  • Heinvers
  • Hemske
  • Hellx-Magnus
  • FrlkY
  • Lelling
  • Darkfang
  • BLazeKrake
  • 67chrome
  • Mr.Goblin
  • PrinceYaser
  • Nuhneghetz
  • Xetanth87
  • Sin'dorei300
  • Eldin HawkWing
  • NFWar
  • Scias
  • zbc
  • Paladon
  • Kael Theron
  • Zephyrius2412

  • Transition System by Starquizer
  • Respawn System by SkriK
  • Omnislash System by f0rsAk3n

  • G1q
  • Anetheron
  • Adrian S52Z
  • Witcherkiller
  • Roland Darkbone

Known Issues

- Some units portraits are broken as of patch 2.0
- Renaming the campaign may break map transition.

Older Versions

Legacy of Lordaeron 2.7 - Compatible with patch 1.31


Discord : Join Warseeker's Campaigns Discord!


Legacy of Lordaeron v3.0 Classic (Campaign)

As the bugs I found have been fixed, and I trust that you will fix any future ones after your best ability, this campaign is now approved. I don't usually replay things I've moderated, but for this one, I'll look forward to future updates! Good luck!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
This is promising! Downloading it now.

I love the description! The greyscale looks really cool, with only a few texts breaking the colour code, which makes them look more important.
The lines above and under each piece of text gives it wonderful structure aswell. The snippets of texts themselves aren't too long, and well-written.
Also wonderful choice of (almost) colourcoded icons!

Some minor things about the description:
-You say the map has six submaps, yet later you list only five.
-Magistrat Merphist has blue text instead of grey.
-A space should be placed between Change and Log
-"Automatic Respawn for Heroes." and "Auto-Respawn for Mobs." doesn't sound really impressive, but as I haven't played it yet, I may be wrong. However, I'm guessing this part is to hook a player, and then having it short is not a bad thing.
-I would also suggest, that in the story piece, you cut off the text with a new row, so that there isn't a super long row in the middle of medium sized ones. THis could be done after the punctuation in the first text just under the title aswell.

Your description is already good enough, those are just the things I would change. :)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Sylvanas Windrunner and her Forsaken minions reclaimed vengeance and since that day the Scourge was no longer a threat to them.
Wrong. The scourge exist and is still a threat, that's why there must always be a Lich King (Jailor of the Damned).

With the Lich King dead.
Arthas is dead, the Lich King is not.

The Forsaken people were up to start a new future for their race, After they reclaimed the Capital City of Lordaeron as the Undercity, they engaged so many forces and troops to develope their army, Sylvanas has also made an alliance with the Horde,
This happened before the Arthas' downfall.

However, The Alliance on the other hand is still a threat to the Forsaken, they still claiming that Lordearon belond to the
Human Race, leaving the Forsaken no choice but to react...
Also wrong. The Worgen and some humans who still live in Silverpine Forest tries to retake the Forsaken's lands, the alliance as a whole does not.


If this is custom lore you can ignore what I wrote.
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
I found something
Healing spray doesn't heal my units or heroes
and every time I go out of Tirisfal and return to Undercity the game crashes
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Healing spray doesn't heal my units or heroes
Don't worry about it, I will change that ability in the next update.
every time I go out of Tirisfal and return to Undercity the game crashes
I don't know, mate! I played all the six maps and everything works properly for me--
BTW, have you tried renaming the .w3n file?

Edit : I just replaced the two abilities of Fellson (Healing Spray and Chemical Rage) with (Elixir of Death and Necrotic Blast) they will be more suitable with the campaign progress :)
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
A cool campaign inspired by the Rexxar extension to the frozen throne.
I played this for quite a while, and intended to play more, but I got stuck, and found a little too many flaws, and wanted to finish it when the campaign in itself is finished.

The story line is slightly altered, with quests in almsot the same order as the first Rexxar mission.
Not very creative in this fashion, but still engaging and fun to play.

The terrain is looking good! You have managed to create a cool atmosphere with very few imported doodads. Only a few minor flaws:
-The throne room where sylvanas is felt a little empty.
-Some hills (where there were dragons for exampl) was really tall, and looks kinda silly.

While being a little bit of a copycat, it is still fun to play, but there are also a lot of things to improve, to make it as good as the Rexxar campaign.
-I missed powerful creeps. Not too long into the game, I defeated all creeps in the overmap without problems.
-Hero abilities are underwhelming. Some more than others: for example the main heroes ultimate is really bad. While looking really good, I earn more from basic attacking the enemies than using it. His summons quickly become too weak in proportion for the mana cost, and are not very useful later in the game. His Soul burn is ok. The only really good hero is the Alchemist in my opinion. He feels useful as he can increase his own attackspeed for a cost, reduce armor, and have a really powerful summon. His healing spray ability doesn't work I think. I would like to see more custom abilities, and more realtive and useful ones!
-All the heroes (that I unlocked) had intelligence as their main attribute, which is irritating in the long run. They are all also ranged, though is not as big of a problem.

I'm not sure if this was a bug or not, but I couldn't find the blackthorn bandits anywhere, not even in the submap. There was some unexplored areas in the submap though, but nowhere I could go.
The same thing happened later in a main quest when you were supposed to find something in the silverpine forest. I used "Iseedeadpeople" here to see if I missed something, but there was no way to get to the human encampments and whatnot. I'm pretty sure this is not working as intended.

I will approve this as soon as the last bug I mentioned have been fixed, so that the main quest can be played all the way.
This absolutely have great potential, but it is not perfect yet.

Awaiting Update.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
-The throne room where sylvanas is felt a little empty.
-Some hills (where there were dragons for exampl) was really tall, and looks kinda silly
I will work more on the terrain during the next updates.
-I missed powerful creeps. Not too long into the game, I defeated all creeps in the overmap without problems.
The difficulty level will be fixed, also those powerful creeps will be reduced.
-Hero abilities are underwhelming. Some more than others: for example the main heroes ultimate is really bad. While looking really good, I earn more from basic attacking the enemies than using it. His summons quickly become too weak in proportion for the mana cost, and are not very useful later in the game. His Soul burn is ok. The only really good hero is the Alchemist in my opinion. He feels useful as he can increase his own attackspeed for a cost, reduce armor, and have a really powerful summon. His healing spray ability doesn't work I think. I would like to see more custom abilities, and more realtive and useful ones!
-All the heroes (that I unlocked) had intelligence as their main attribute, which is irritating in the long run. They are all also ranged, though is not as big of a problem.
I take all that under consideration, as a matter of fact, for the next update, I will give the player the opportunity to choose his own character between 6 class instead of the Death Mage only, including different spells, etc...
Also Fellson's Healing Spray ability has been replaced by Elixir of Death the last time I updated this thread ^^
I'm not sure if this was a bug or not, but I couldn't find the blackthorn bandits anywhere, not even in the submap. There was some unexplored areas in the submap though, but nowhere I could go.
Yeah it was a silly bug, I forgot to trigger the event, but no worry I'll fix this. btw the path to get there is passing a block of tree.
The same thing happened later in a main quest when you were supposed to find something in the silverpine forest. I used "Iseedeadpeople" here to see if I missed something, but there was no way to get to the human encampments and whatnot. I'm pretty sure this is not working as intended.
Are you referring to the quest ''Missing Ingredients'' where you were suppose to collect the plantes? If so I already made a visibilty on where you can find them, look at the minimap.
As for the human camp that's another quest that you will be given later (Odd Vision Quest) and yes the way to get there is blocked by a block of Trees, to get there you must take that mission first ^^

Anyway, I will fix all those bugs in the next update.
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Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I think you got me wrong on the creeps, I wanted to see more, as all died too quickly after a while :)
I take all that under consideration, as a matter of fact, for the next update, I will give the player the opportunity to choice his own character between 6 class instead of the Death Mage only, including different spells, etc...
Also Fellson's Healing Spray ability has been replaced by Elixir of Death the last time I updated this thread ^^
Sounds like great updates!
Yeah it was a silly bug, I forgot to trigger the event, but no worry I'll fix this. btw the path to get there is passing a block of tree.
I suspected that :D
Are you referring to the quest ''Missing Ingredients'' where you were suppose to collect the plantes? If so I already made a visibilty on where you can find them, look at the minimap.
As for the human camp that's another quest that you will be given later (Odd Vision Quest) and yes the way to get there is blocked by a block of Trees, to get there you must take that mission first ^^
It was during the "Odd Vision" quest. I think the trees after the bridge would fall when you got the quest, but they didn't.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Update - Version 1.1
  • Fixed bug in Blackthorn Bandits Quest, the Block Path of Trees is now passable.
  • Fixed bug in Odd Vision Quest, the Block Path of Trees in now passable.
  • Fellson's Healing Spray Ability has been replaced by Elixir of Death.
  • Fellson's Chemical Rage Ability has been replaced by Necrotic Blast.
  • A small changes in the difficulty level
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
As the bugs I found have been fixed, and I trust that you will fix any future ones after your best ability, this campaign is now approved.
I don't usually replay things I've moderated, but for this one, I'll look forward to future updates! Good luck!
Level 5
May 23, 2015
Good map, waiting for the sequel, still I got a couple of issues:

1) Some of the text is in other language I beleive it is french, specially the Warlock spells, and other units spells as well.

2) What troubled me the most was the end, I loved the Valkyr hero but you can only go to the island where the 2 last orc camps are with her so your main 3 heroes can do nothing just sit around while you kill it with her, dn't get me wrong it was great to fight with her, after I gave best items to her she became quite powerfull, and using the drake summoning staff, and the crown of deathlord it was easy to dispose of the orc units at both bases, but killing the buildings was a huge pain, it took sooo long, but the worse came after, after you destroy the last base you get a nice cinematic of the Valkyr killing the orcs at the island and all your heroes are taken there and you lose control of the Valkyr hero (the only flyer) so I lost all the best items on her and I got stuf there with the other 3 heroes, except that I was smart and kept the blink dadger with wich I could leave the island, but still having to reload so before I kill the base I drop all her items was a pain.

My guess is that you expected we would buy a zeplin from the goblin merchant, but we never get any lumber so it is not possible, witch is also a problem in an earlier part of the game, where there is another goblin merchant (in a cave where you have to capture a necromancer I guess) to buy a zeplin to get to other place, but again no lumber.

Still the issue with the Valkyr was near the end of the campaign so if I had kept playing I would be pissed but not for long, but that is a problem for people who would want to leave the optional quests for the end or just explore your big fun map!

Oh and one more thing in the cave where you play with Faranell there is what I beleive is a bonus boss, a woman that give a red item (forgot the name) but I never found out how to break the barrier to get to her, so I used the blink knife again to kill her, dont know if it is a bug or I just didnt find the secret. And in this same cave there are 2 items that are a keg of explosives one I used to open the path to the woman the other I never found out how to use, I guess it is for the ice wall in the path but it never tirggered so I took the long way around it!
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
1) Some of the text is in other language I beleive it is french, specially the Warlock spells, and other units spells as well.
I am working on fixing those dialogue mistakes ;)
2) What troubled me the most was the end, I loved the Valkyr hero but you can only go to the island where the 2 last orc camps are with her so your main 3 heroes can do nothing just sit around while you kill it with her, dn't get me wrong it was great to fight with her, after I gave best items to her she became quite powerfull, and using the drake summoning staff, and the crown of deathlord it was easy to dispose of the orc units at both bases, but killing the buildings was a huge pain, it took sooo long, but the worse came after, after you destroy the last base you get a nice cinematic of the Valkyr killing the orcs at the island and all your heroes are taken there and you lose control of the Valkyr hero (the only flyer) so I lost all the best items on her and I got stuf there with the other 3 heroes, except that I was smart and kept the blink dadger with wich I could leave the island, but still having to reload so before I kill the base I drop all her items was a pain.
Yes, I forgot about making a drop of the items carried by Agatha after the cinematic ends, but I'll fix that in the next update. and yes it is supposed to use the zeppllin to go or get back from the island...
My guess is that you expected we would buy a zeplin from the goblin merchant, but we never get any lumber so it is not possible, witch is also a problem in an earlier part of the game, where there is another goblin merchant (in a cave where you have to capture a necromancer I guess) to buy a zeplin to get to other place, but again no lumber.
You're right, I forgot about the lumber thing aswell :p but no problem I'll fix it.
Oh and one more thing in the cave where you play with Faranell there is what I beleive is a bonus boss, a woman that give a red item (forgot the name) but I never found out how to break the barrier to get to her, so I used the blink knife again to kill her, dont know if it is a bug or I just didnt find the secret. And in this same cave there are 2 items that are a keg of explosives one I used to open the path to the woman the other I never found out how to use, I guess it is for the ice wall in the path but it never tirggered so I took the long way around it!
Good point there, the way to get to the woman was passing that force wall which is supposed to die after you killed the water elementary but it doesn't, and as for the explosive barrel I made two which has the same purpose (break the block path of rocks), as for the ice wall it should collapse once you killed the wraith but same thing aswell, so I will fix all that as promised.

Anyway, Thank you for reporting all those bugs, you helped me a lot :)
Level 5
May 23, 2015
Great man, your map is really cool, the best is the imersion it has, love to see undead fight undead, and I would love if you did a Campaign like this for the Scarlet Crusade, also I didnt get what was the point of that last necromancer in the Scarlet base, but whatever I'm happy everytime they show up.

A small tip on the keg of explosives item: giving 2 of them makes people confused thinking the other one is for something else (I pretty much run with it at all invulnerable stuff at that cave) making just one as an item that can not be killed would be good, as it looks like a keg people can just atack it.

Again great work love your map.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Update - Version 1.2
  • Fixed some dialogue mistakes.
  • Fixed a small bug in Tomb of Chill map.
  • Agatha will now drop her items after the cinematic end.
  • You can now purchase a zeppelin without require lumber.
  • Major changes in the drop items
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
WOW nice campaign it's just like rexxar's campaign though good job! btw when will be the next chapter be released??
Thanks! I'm glad you like it, as for the two other episodes, I will work on them someday in the future...
Did i miss tome of retraining or is there even that? If not have you thought of adding it?
Well, the Tome of Retraining has been removed from Merchants, I didn't thought he might be useful so I just removed it.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I'm going crazy
I don't know what's wrong the game keeps crashing
I have the latest patch and changed the file name like you said and redownloaded it a lot of times but still the same thing!!!
Odd... I never encountred such problems. I'm suspecting this is due to the save/load that perform this campaign. the problem might be on how your warcraft 3 store the data. I don't know though...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
An overrelaxing campaign with an absolute filler story. Also, a huge chore.

-dialogue a bit slower
-Thealen is a warlock, I guess since he can summon Felbeasts; I also guess Sylvanas is OK with that
-the guy above's attack fx looks more like a spell effect
-so, why aren't these undead controlled by Sylvanas and/or other of her allies if the Lich King is dead?
-I suggest custom items for shops; use your imagination
-a gate can be attacked (see pic below)
-from where do they have a Soul Gem? Also, that quest started without going to Sylvanas first
-play music through its proper channel not the sound one
-Kasgaroth's region is prefectly visible as opposed to the other quest regions that have fog of war
-Elixir of Death's description mentions level 4 as level 3
-Fellson has less Agility than Thealen but attacks fast while the latter's attack speed is average; Fellson also deals a bit more damage
-would be nice if the hero's Fel creatures would look a bit different than the ones belonging to the enemy
-most spells are just mildly edited Warcraft III abilities (new icons and fx, somewhat different descriptions etc.)
-would be nice to mark the acolyte merchant on the map too, in case you forget about him
-I guess the creatures from the Mercenary Camp in the south can leave the main map as there's no indication whether they can or not? There's a space between the Gnoll Overseer and the troll icons
-I suggest different colours for optional quest pings
-spells from other friendly/summoned units on QWERTY?
-bad pathing at a bridge in the east (see screenshot)
-upon loading the game, the wizards in the north belonging to the optional quest to get the archmage hero, are not visible anymore; the black dragons and the murloc zones are
-not a fan of linearity: trees that are removed to clear paths only on specific events
-Aldrith's level 1 Shadow Aura says 0% not 10% like in the spell learn description
-three heroes with intelligence as the main attribute... I don't know...
-items would be nice to be attribute based so there would be some customization and/or replayability
-the Fel Beasts have 0 armour at all levels
-the Zeppelin can trespass zones that have ground pathing blockers; this way, some places can be reached by the heroes before they should and unpopulated places might be seen before they come to have inhabitants
-the tents near the Scarlet Crusade cathedral are considered enemy while the ones in their camp to the west where their boats are are neutral
-the cathedral can be entered using a zeppelin to get the heroes there before any quest about it is given
-how much does the Banshee Necklace reduce magic damage? More than the Runed Braces that reduce it by 33%? Write it in the item's description
-tomb of chill can be accessed before any quest is given carrying the heroes by zeppelin to the portal; because of that the Alchemist hero doesn't appear but talks in the cinematic scene
-because I've been to the cathedral and killed the crusade warriors in the main map where the necromancer arrives by boat, before receiving the quest, going to that place after the quest is given will make it not able to be completed; there is nobody there anymore, just the boat that turned to neutral passive

-I suggest dialogue boxes wit yes/no for level transition
-funny thing is, that after getting to Sylvanas and the Alchemist, going into the portal (without having any quest about it) will make the Alchemist appear
-why not make keys like other items (variables) that don't need to occupy an inventory slot?

evil presence:
-some other model and name for the huts where Ogres are else all of it makes it look like Ogres invade Gnoll territories
-I can foresee returning to this map for another quest as not all of it was discovered; again, trees will be removed; a lame kind of progression
-the cliffs serving as the map's borders have no doodads on them
-you can destroy the Alliance before getting to the apothecary, using the zeppelin
-the invaders just stand at the undead base gates after some of them die in the base (you can see this if you use the zeppelin to drop your heroes right in the undead base)

ashes of Tirisfal:

-for some reason, the enemy units on this map don't start with full mana
-Kobolds can be attacked from behind a grated wall; so can undead over the rocks where the fire is (see pics)
-weird place for dogs to wander with all the undead around
-two Fountain of Healths quite near to each other
-always was funny that Skeletal Mages didn't have any spells and mana
-what's the point of destroying buildings that either don't give anything or don't deal any damage? What about have them regularly spawn creatures or something when the heroes are near until the building is destroyed?
-Zeppelins can be bought here with only gold; the one in the main map requires lumber too; got lumber from a building in the thieves camp (main map)
-odd that the archmage didn't appear in the circle between the two circles of power and instead appeared somewhere to the near south of the circle in the middle
-Necklace of Spell Immunity? That's kind of too powerful

cathedral level:

-the generators aren't protected enough
-shouldn't the moon key open the gate? It says that a ghost key is required; probably, the necromancer had it... Wait! For some reason after I completed the portal quest and got back here it worked with the MOON key, so it's not a GHOST key
-so.. the necromancer wasn't supposed to be in the camp where he (that one had a horse) came with a boat?
-well, either the necromancer died or something because he was not present in the end level cinematic scene (the one where he says something about something, IDK, can't follow this story plus quick transmissions)

portal level:
-Sphere of Darkness' Life Drain does not work
-Faranell cannot open the gates with the moon key

blackrock level:
-the orcs are confused. Either they are supposed to defend themselves or warn the base? Both is kind of improbable
-the Blackrock clan never had Darkspear Trolls; better said, there are no Darkspear Trolls in the Eastern Kingdoms
-Agatha cannot attack air units; at least, she can after taking an orb
-level 8 is the maximum level?
-it would be nice to know the factor of mana regeneration for items that give it either as Brilliance Aura or only to the carrier; for instance which of these give better mana regeneration: Ring of the Archmagi or Staff of Musris?
-"Espirit de drake blew" written on the summoned Blue Dragon's timed life bar
-really, destroying all orc buildings is time consuming and boring
-gold kind of becomes useless; the heroes are already too powerful so tomes are not ideal (I don't know if their stock cooldown is big or not; haven't bought any)
-also, basically all my heroes can have Frostguard and Searing Blade which, well, isn't very interesting even though more than useful
-wow... "cool", one more Frostguard, in the ice box
-melee ground units can attack Agatha...
-Void Walker's timed bar says Water Elemental and Fel Beast's says Feral Spirit
-Agatha's soundset is annoying
-this level's exit doesn't have the magic barrier effect

It's not well calibrated. After level 3 it gets easy at the point that Elixir of Death is not useful anymore on allied/friendly units.
It does not match the quality of the Frozen Throne's Orc Campaign as the gameplay is mostly repetitive.

EDIT: changed to 3.5/5 due to constant updating.

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Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
I've just finished the campaign and it's great! The difficulty is ok, but the grammar is just awful! Also, the dialogues are a bit too fast. Warseeker, please, work on improving it. Can't wait for more updates. Keep it up! :)
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
-dialogue a bit slower
I am working on that dialogue nowadays.
-Thealen is a warlock, I guess since he can summon Felbeasts; I also guess Sylvanas is OK with that
-the guy above's attack fx looks more like a spell effect
For now I made only Death Mage but in the future I will add more classes to choose.
-so, why aren't these undead controlled by Sylvanas and/or other of her allies if the Lich King is dead?
Well, not all of the undead were controlled by Sylvanas.
-from where do they have a Soul Gem? Also, that quest started without going to Sylvanas first
Not sure, but if I remember correct the gate is closed till you take Sylvanas' quest but I'm checking it. (Unless you used a zeppelin to get there)
-I guess the creatures from the Mercenary Camp in the south can leave the main map as there's no indication whether they can or not? There's a space between the Gnoll Overseer and the troll icons
You mean that mercenary units can leave the main map too? Odd, I probably missed something in the Transition.
-the Zeppelin can trespass zones that have ground pathing blockers; this way, some places can be reached by the heroes before they should and unpopulated places might be seen before they come to have inhabitants
Yeah, I forgot about the observatory thing, but in the next update, I'll remove all resources from the observatory.
-you can destroy the Alliance before getting to the apothecary, using the zeppelin
Same thing ^^
-shouldn't the moon key open the gate? It says that a ghost key is required; probably, the necromancer had it... Wait! For some reason after I completed the portal quest and got back here it worked with the MOON key, so it's not a GHOST key
I misspelled the name of the key.
-so.. the necromancer wasn't supposed to be in the camp where he (that one had a horse) came with a boat?
-also, basically all my heroes can have Frostguard and Searing Blade which, well, isn't very interesting even though more than useful
-wow... "cool", one more Frostguard, in the ice box
-melee ground units can attack Agatha...
-Void Walker's timed bar says Water Elemental and Fel Beast's says Feral Spirit
-Agatha's soundset is annoying
Yeah you're right, I know, I just placed these items randomly for the first time but all that will be changed.
portal level:
-Sphere of Darkness' Life Drain does not work
-Faranell cannot open the gates with the moon key
I'll fix that.
-level 8 is the maximum level?

@deepstrasz First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful overview, it helps me a lot, I added all what you said to my list, I'll do my best to fix all those bugs and work more on the campaign :)
@Lazarator I know right, but because english isn't my native language, I had these kind of problems but I'll try to make it better.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Update - Version 1.3a

- bugs fixes and small changes.
- Changes for the spells of the Mage.
- Fellson's Necrotic blast ability has been replaced by Virulent Rage.
- Respawn timer is set to 60 instead of 90.
- Removed all resources from the Goblin Observatory in Map 1 and Map 2.
- Removed the Goblin Observatory in Map 6.
- Enemy units start now will full mana in Map 6.
- Removed the two Mercenary camp in Map 1.
- Agatha can not care items.
- Melee units can not attack Agatha.
- Agatha can now attack both land and air units.
- Replaced the Undead Theme music by the original ones.
- Reduced the campaign file size.
Level 1
Nov 25, 2012
I'm stuck... In the mission where you have to kill the Necromancer, the Iron Gate has to be unlocked by a Ghost Key. However, all that I can get is a Moon Key. Am I missing something or am I just being stupid?
Level 10
Dec 19, 2015
This is a great campaign, better even than Rexxar's, yes there are some errors, and it should have voice acting, and it's just act 1, this is still a great map.

Question though, how am I supposed to get to the Blackthorn Bandits, I can't get to them because of the trees.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I'm stuck... In the mission where you have to kill the Necromancer, the Iron Gate has to be unlocked by a Ghost Key. However, all that I can get is a Moon Key. Am I missing something or am I just being stupid?
Yes it is a Moon Key that you need to open that gate, that key is given to you by the jailer. (I think I may have confused the name of the key but it's fixed now :p)
Question though, how am I supposed to get to the Blackthorn Bandits, I can't get to them because of the trees.
Trees aren't falling after you take the Blackthorn Bandits quest? Btw, have you finished Sharlindra's quest (Ghostmage) before entering that map again?
If yes, then try to exit and re-enter the map once again. maybe that can help.
Level 1
Dec 21, 2016
One of the quite interesting campaigns I've played. However, I'm afraid there seems to be some problems, such as tree blocks not being removed. Even though I finished one of the main quests, 'missing ingredients', it was still not regarded that I haven't returned to Faranell, when I entered submaps(and the quest was regarded to have been finished when I was in the main map). Therefore, the tree blocks in the submap 'Ashes of Tirisfal' were not removed, making it impossible to finish optional quest 'Blackthorn bandits.' Moreover, after starting the main quest 'Master of Shadows', it was still regarded that I haven't finished the former main quest, 'Unexpected visit' in submaps. I don't know why some maps regard some quests which are already done not to have been finished, but I think these errors interacted with each other and made blocks not removed, making impossible to proceed the story.
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Therefore, the tree blocks in the submap 'Ashes of Tirisfal' were not removed, making it impossible to finish optional quest 'Blackthorn bandits.'
I am aware of the Blackthorn Bandits quest, the only way to make the tree falls is completing all 4 requirement of "Aiding the Forsakens" Quest, sorry about that but I'll fix it soon.
Moreover, after starting the main quest 'Master of Shadows', it was still regarded that I haven't finished the former main quest, 'Unexpected visit' in submaps. I don't know why some maps regard some quests which are already done not to have been finished, but I think these errors interacted with each other and made blocks not removed, making impossible to proceed the story.
I suppose you currently play the first version 1.0, right? If yes, the block tree won't fall due to a bug but it has been fixed now, simply re-download the campaign again.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Changes for Version 1.3b :

- Blackthorn Bandits quest is now accessible without requirement of finishing "Aiding the Forsakens" Main Quest.
- The AI has been fixed in the fifth Map.
- Spell description fixed aswell.

P.S : Ghostmage Quest won't fullfil if you access Map 6 without taking Sharlindra's Quest first.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Well I am a fan of the Forsaken's campaign... and it has been a while since I played a little Warcraft. Hmm... I'm going to give this one a try, perhaps give a comment or two in the next coming days.

So far, all I have to say is, it has an interesting story with new characters, except of course, the undying Sylvannas. Description seems to do its job pretty well, and now I'm excited to play. Something to do over the Christmas weekend haha.

Deleted member 239421


Deleted member 239421

How many Acts are you planning to make? And when you release a new version of this campaign with new Acts, will there be a way to transfer your hero info to the new campaign? If not, I'll probably wait for the full version.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
How many Acts are you planning to make? And when you release a new version of this campaign with new Acts, will there be a way to transfer your hero info to the new campaign? If not, I'll probably wait for the full version.
I'll add two acts later, as for the release date I am not so sure, and about the heroes' stuff, I don't know if they will be transfered to the second act or no but either way I'll make the hero start with basic items like Rexxar's campaign (Act II).
Level 1
Jan 13, 2017
I finished doing everything in the cave with the blackstone bandits, but when I try to leave, the page goes back to my "load custom campaign" page. Is there a way to fix this?
Level 17
Sep 24, 2009
Damn, damn, damn! Amazing campaign! Can't play it right now, because of exams, but gonna check it and return with feedback! Great job!