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Late Intro

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Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
I've been around for some time now, but I typically only stuck to the Roleplaying area of the forums. I am now venturing about to groups pertaining to roleplaying, art, and music, and also going off into other sections of this vast site and getting involved I suppose. Anyways, hello everyone to whom I know already, and to those I don't know yet.
Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
Sorry dude, but there is no post count in off-topic section. (Even i know that.) And what do you mean by 'Crazy'? I'll take that one as offence Saken. Around where i live, We beat kids up for saying thing's like that. I'll have to think of something equally as mean that i actually can do.......
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
Sorry dude, but there is no post count in off-topic section. (Even i know that.) And what do you mean by 'Crazy'? I'll take that one as offence Saken. Around where i live, We beat kids up for saying thing's like that. I'll have to think of something equally as mean that i actually can do.......

You're also 16, so the chance of you beating me up isn't even happening, kid.

Where you live, do they also go around beating up minorities and homosexuals too because of how intollerant and stupid they are? Again, insecure much?

There's nothing mean you can do to me. I don't take offence from anything. I'm not insecure like you and the people from where you come from. Or maybe that's just you typing in something to try and make you sound tough. Tisk tisk, kid.

As for the link, Takakenji, very mature, eh? Thanks for the welcome, though.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
You're also 16, so the chance of you beating me up isn't even happening, kid.

Where you live, do they also go around beating up minorities and homosexuals too because of how intollerant and stupid they are? Again, insecure much?

There's nothing mean you can do to me. I don't take offence from anything. I'm not insecure like you and the people from where you come from. Or maybe that's just you typing in something to try and make you sound tough. Tisk tisk, kid.

As for the link, Takakenji, very mature, eh? Thanks for the welcome, though.

Sheesh, this guy must've wrote the book on internet tough guyism...
Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
You're also 16, so the chance of you beating me up isn't even happening, kid.

Where you live, do they also go around beating up minorities and homosexuals too because of how intollerant and stupid they are? Again, insecure much?

There's nothing mean you can do to me. I don't take offence from anything. I'm not insecure like you and the people from where you come from. Or maybe that's just you typing in something to try and make you sound tough. Tisk tisk, kid.

As for the link, Takakenji, very mature, eh? Thanks for the welcome, though.

Gah! I must have lost it last night. My apologies. And insecure..........I'll admit, I have some serious anger management issues. You just seem so intimidating. And yeah, We beat up any kid who bothers us, It's like a game everyone plays. Even the girls. We're a little violent.
Level 12
Jan 19, 2008
No problem. No hard feelings.

I don't mean to come across intimidating. I'm just stubborn, but I choose my arguments to things I truly believe in, not just to argue for the sake of arguing. That'd be foolish of me.

Mind me asking where you come from where showing physcial dominance is justifiable if someone makes a remark?
Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
Salt Lake! Don't get me wrong, we're fairly nice people, just easily intimidated. We got stupid people in charge of the schools, and rather stict police. I got sent to Juvi for J-walking the other day. I suppose that's what happens when you're in your teenager years, the police always think you're up to something devious.
Level 6
Jun 1, 2006
You're also 16, so the chance of you beating me up isn't even happening, kid.

Where you live, do they also go around beating up minorities and homosexuals too because of how intollerant and stupid they are? Again, insecure much?

There's nothing mean you can do to me. I don't take offence from anything. I'm not insecure like you and the people from where you come from. Or maybe that's just you typing in something to try and make you sound tough. Tisk tisk, kid.

As for the link, Takakenji, very mature, eh? Thanks for the welcome, though.

Oh my god lol. 5/5 will read again
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Salt Lake! Don't get me wrong, we're fairly nice people, just easily intimidated. We got stupid people in charge of the schools, and rather stict police. I got sent to Juvi for J-walking the other day. I suppose that's what happens when you're in your teenager years, the police always think you're up to something devious.

Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
I just had to wait for my parents to come pick and take me home. If that guy wasn't a cop, HE would be the one I'd be fighting with. I was about as mad as my parents were when they showed up.
Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
I get in trouble with everyone. All of the people who inforce the rules around where i am are always watching me. You'd be surprised how much my principle stares at me, It's kind of creepy. People tell me that I just look like a bad kid, so people keep an eye on me all the time.
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